Technology Applications Discussion Questions

Technology Applications Discussion Questions


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Review the rubric that is linked below to make sure you understand the criteria for earning a maximum of 30 points for this discussion.
In the textbook Applied Clinical Informatics for Nurses, read:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Pages 256-257
Examine one additional scholarly source that discusses the use of computer applications in the healthcare environment.
Prepare to discuss the following prompts:
Summarize “the burden of fragmentation” described in your reading. Discuss how clinical informatics reduces this problem in the healthcare environment.
Identify a minimum of two clinical applications and describe how they support nursing practice by improving safety and quality of delivered care. Cite information from one scholarly source in addition to your textbook to support your discussion. Include personal examples of your experiences with these applications (without patient information).
Describe several challenges related to the adoption of electronic health records. What have you experienced? Describe specific ways that nurses can overcome these challenges.
Your initial post should be four paragraphs in length, with a minimum of three sentences in each paragraph. Your post should be submitted by the end of day #4 of this workshop.
Cite and reference two current scholarly sources to support your insights and answers.
Learn the correct format for citing chapter authors in this edited textbook by reviewing the provided file: Citing and Referencing Chapters in Edited Books.
Read and respond to at least two classmates’ initial posts by the end of the workshop. You are encouraged to respond to the follow-up instructor questions directed to you. Your responses to classmates should be a minimum of six sentences in length.
Whether written or spoken, interactions are expected to:
clearly and thoroughly address the prompt with meaningful information that shows critical thinking.
introduce your own ideas and questions to add greater depth to the discussion, rather than restating what your classmates have shared. (Include much more than “Great post,” or “I agree.”)
refer to relevant course concepts as you discuss your learning together.
develop insightful conversation by directly addressing your classmates’ ideas.
demonstrate professionalism.
Forum participation (including initial post and responses) occurs on at least two different days of the workshop.

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