Questions for “The Social Dilemma”

Questions for “The Social Dilemma”


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1. At the beginning of the film the following quote is presented: “Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse.” Who originally said this and how does it apply to the subject matter of this film?

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2. Plastic surgeons have coined a new term “Snapchat dysmorphia.” What does this term mean?

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3. According to Edward Tufte, the “only two industries that call their customers ‘users’” are: _________ and ____________ .

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4. During a presentation by Tristan Harris, former Design Ethicist for Google, in a Stanford campus auditorium (with Steve Wozniak in the audience checking his iPhone before the presentation begins) he describes a moment in time which he characterizes as “checkmate on humanity.” What happened at this moment and explain to what the term refers.

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5. There has been a growing polarization of society – e.g., along political lines – that many social psychology experts attribute to the rise of social media during this period. How can the rise of social media use contribute to the political polarization of our society?

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6. What is “Pizzagate” in the social media world and how is it related to an actual pizza restaurant in DC?

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7. What does Roger McNamee and others suggest is the danger of Facebook being controlled by a dictator or authoritarian such as Myanmar (formerly Burma)?

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8. What countries in the world in the last few years are being targeted by bad actors (bad people) who are attempting to destabilize those countries’ democracies?

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9. Cathy O’Neill, PhD and data scientist argues that Mark Zuckerberg and others’ claims that to solve the problem of social media being used to infiltrate truthful news service and government elections artificial intelligence (AI) we need to build more AI tools is “a lie.” Why does she make this argument?

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10. According to Tristan Harris, former Design Ethicist for Google, what is the existential threat to society from social media?

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11. At the end of the film, as the credits start rolling, several of the experts we’ve seen during the film give several pieces of advice for how we can protect ourselves from being influenced in deceptive ways by social media?

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12. What issue did Google’s design ethicist Tristan Harris bring to the forefront within the company in 2006?

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13. According to Aza Raskin, former employee of Firefox and Mozilla, and Justin Rosenstein, former Engineer of Facebook and Google, the business model for social media include the fact that , ____________ are the customers and ___________ is(are) the thing(s) being sold.

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14. Tristan Harris, Former Design Ethicist for Google has coined a term “surveillance capitalism.” Explain what he means by that.

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15. According to Tristan Harris, former Design Ethicist for Google, large social media companies have 3 main goals. List the 3 main goals and explain each.

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16. Tristan Harris, former Design Ethicist for Google uses the term “growth hacking.” What does this term refer to?

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17. According to Edward Tufte, the “only two industries that call their customers ‘users’” are: _________ and ____________ .

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18. What is dopamine and what role does it play in the effectiveness of social media?

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19. Jonathan Haidt, PhD., Social Psychologist at the NYU Stern School of Business, discusses what trend started increasing dramatically beginning in 2011-13 through today. What was that trend and discuss to what he attributes this trend.

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20. Do you think you could stay off your phone for 24 hours? What notification would compel you to get back on your phone?

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21. What can you do to help prevent an addiction to social media?

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22. Why do you use social media? Is that the only way for you to achieve those things?

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23. If you could only keep one social media app, which app would it be and why?

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24. After watching the film, do you plan to change any of your privacy settings on social media? Which ones, and why or why not?

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25. Have you ever seen an ad for something you had only talked or thought about? How did it make you feel?

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26. What is one part of the film that really resonates with you? Connect it to a personal experience.

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27. What sources do you trust for news? Why do you trust these sources and do you ever get information from elsewhere?

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28. Can you think of a time where you said or did something online that you probably wouldn’t do in person?

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29. Think of a time where you have seen hate comments on a celebrity’s social media post. How does being behind a screen change how a person sees people on the other side?

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30. In your opinion, what is the single most important (i.e. impactful in a negative way) problem with social media today? (Note: Early in the film several social media executives were asked this question and they all had trouble quickly coming up with an answer – so if you have to think about this one and it’s not immediately obvious don’t feel bad!)

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