PCN 682 Abuse and Bullying Questions

PCN 682 Abuse and Bullying Questions


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PCN 682 Abuse and Bullying Questions

1. What are common difficulties that women face when trying to leave  abusive male partners? Be sure to include economic challenges and  realities faced.

2. What is an Honor Society? Refer to Box 10.2, page 482, Chapter 10 in  your text. Do you think that the United States should impose its own  standards on these types of countries? Why or why not?

3. What role does technology play in bullying and also in bullying prevention?

4. What are the typical characteristics of bullies and what are those of the bullied?

5. Define elder abuse and vulnerable adult abuse. How are they similar? How do they differ?

6.  Give a definition, potential cause, and an example of each:

  1. Elder financial abuse
  2. Elder abandonment
  3. Elder scams by strangers

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