Dynamics of Health and Fitness: Essay Test #2

Dynamics of Health and Fitness: Essay Test #2


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Before reading the instructions, this is based off my life and what I have discussed with my Professor, therefore to get a better understanding of me, to give the best answer possible, I have included all my journals from this course for you to read and get a better understanding of who I am, what I do, what I have done, and to know what the Professor knows about me already.  The behavior change I want written about is how I have let some people go in my life, and staying off social media (which I briefly mention is some of my journals for you to go off of). If there is any questions about the assignment, or ME to get the best answer possible, you can ask me. A page or 2 is fine.

This FINAL ESSAY QUESTION WILL BE EVALUATED RELATIVE TO THE FACTUAL INFORMATION AND YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSE TO THE MATERIAL IN THE TEXT—AS IT APPLIES TO THIS QUESTION. The course content and text have been built on the concept of ESTABLISHING A HEALTHSTYLE that contributes in positive ways to your well-being. Therefore, please give this considerable thought before sending Test #2 to me. Yes, this is the only question for the final Essay test.

FINAL ESSAY TEST QUESTION: Please give it your best answer.

CHOOSE ONE BEHAVIOR CHANGE THAT YOU HAVE ADOPTED AND DESCRIBE YOUR EFFORTS PRO AND CON RELATIVE TO THE PROCHASKA and DICLEMENTE’S TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL OF BEHAVIOR CHANGE. (The behavior change I want written about is how I have let some people go in my life, and staying off social media, which I briefly mention is some of my journals for you to go off of.)

According to the researchers: Individual motivation for behavior change occurs in 4 stages:

#1: PRECONTEMPLATION (change is not even considered at this point), 

#2: CONTEMPLATION (seriously consider a behavior change), 

#3: ACTION (key steps where new behavior is given a try) and 

#4: MAINTENANCE (long term change where the behavior becomes part of day-to-day living). 

HOW, if at all, did you APPLY these STAGES to a particular BEHAVIOR that you desired to CHANGE OVERTIME. You can site page references and or web sites. Please be specific and refer to the positive and negative factors in all of the stages that were instrumental in establishing change. If a change has not been maintained then reflect on why not.

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