Cultural Event Paper Guidelines

Cultural Event Paper Guidelines

Due:  Anytime during the semester, but no later than the last day of class

Length: 2-3 pages

Email me prior to the event to get approval for these events if it is not one that has been suggested in class or posted here in CourseDen. 


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Each of you will attend one other cultural event related to African American, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latino, and/or African culture. The Event can be virtual or in person.

You should provide a 2 to 3-page response to the event that describes the event in some detail, but mostly focuses on your impressions of the event. Your response should not be a simplistic description of the event, but rather a thoughtful reflection of what the event reveals about African American, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latino, and/or African culture and its historical antecedents. What were the goals of the event, and do you think it succeeded in accomplishing those goals?  What kind of contribution do you think the event makes?  Impact?  Is it enough? Could more be done?  This should be more than just a run-down and summary of the event. What I am really looking for here is a critical analysis of the event.  

Please submit these papers in the designated CourseDen Dropbox.  Although you can turn this paper in at any point of the semester, it is due at the end of Unit 8. 

Failure to turn this paper in on the last day of class will result in a 0.  No late papers will be accepted for this assignment.

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