Why do so many people prefer to avoid conflict, and what are the long-term personal and societal impacts of this avoidance?

Discussion Context: 


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In the last Whattya Think discussion, we talked about all the stories we were being told about 2021.  One that we couldn’t have predicted was the divisiveness we would witness around the Presidential Election.  It seems that news headlines, social media feeds, and even conversations with family members have become somewhat tense…or should I say full of conflict.  I find myself confused, because all the research on conflict shows that more people tend to avoid conflict than confront it, so I find myself pondering this larger question:

 Why do so many people prefer to avoid conflict, and what are the long-term personal and societal impacts of this avoidance? 

Discussion Questions:

This week, I want to know what you think about this larger question and ask that you share your perspective through an example of a conflict situation you have personally experienced. 

1. Share an example of a time you were engaged in a conflict and had to make a decision on whether to avoid or confront the conflict.  

2. Did you avoid or confront it (are you a suppressor or venter)? And why did you make that choice?

3. What was the impact of this choice on your relationship?

4. If you had to give one reason why so many prefer to avoid conflict, what would your reason be?

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