What will you need to consider when writing academically that you do not currently have to consider with your current professional or social processes?

After participating in Workshop Discussion 2, write a 1- to 2-page reflection paper (250 to 550 words) describing how you intend to modify your current writing and discourse processes to help them align better with the type of writing you will be expected to do in the course, and in particular, in the final project.


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What will you need to consider when writing academically that you do not currently have to consider with your current professional or social processes? What kind of language do you currently use in one of your discourse communities that may need to be modified to meet the needs of an academic audience? Does your current process or current discourse call for a formal organization of your thoughts? How does academic writing call for writers to organize and focus their content in ways that your current processes do not? Finally, consider the responses of your peers. Identify a strategy or tip that you learned from a classmate’s posting that you will employ in the course. [MO 2.2, MO 2.3]

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