The purpose of this discussion post is to create an RQ

The purpose of this discussion post is to create an RQ for a multiple regression and answer the prompted questions.


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  1. What is your RQ?

RQ: What is the relationship between level of democracy and age and lived in poverty index.

IV1= Age IV2=Level of Democracy

DV = Lived in poverty Index

  1. What is the null hypothesis for your questions?

Null Hypothesis:  There is no relationship between the level of democracy and age and living in poverty index. 

  1. What research design would align with this question?

A cross-sectional research design would align.  Cross-sectional designs have no time dimensions, measures differences between subject, is passive and usually involves a survey that provides a snapshot at a point in time. 

  1. What the dependent variable was used and how is it measured?

DV= Lived in poverty index

Measured = continuous scale interval ratio

  1. What independent variables are used and how are they measured?  What is the justification for including these predictor variables?

IV1= Age, measurement = continuous scale interval ratio

IV2 = level of democracy, Measurement = continuous scale interval ratio

Justification = “this allows controlling the effects of other independent variables” ( Laureate Education, 2016j). 

  1. If you found significance, what is the strength and the effect?
    1. The AVONA reported Sign as .000 which is below the p-value of .05 which means I can reject the null hypothesis and state that there is a relationship between age and trust in government (Laureate Education, 2016c).
    2. Effective size = .013 which means 1.3% of the variability in respondent lived in poverty index is explained by the combination of age and level of democracy. 
    3. Strength =Rsquared= .013 Coefficient constant is 1.282, age has a coefficient of .003 and level of democracy today -.034.  Ce can determine this a positive relationship and is moderate to low. 
    4. Regression equation = DV=1.282 + .003 + (-.034)

DV= 1.251

  1. Explain the results for a lay audience, explain the answer to your RQ?

RQ= There is a significant relationship between the level of democracy and age and lived in poverty index. The respondents age and reporting high levels of democracy are both significance predictors of the likely hood to report having lived in poverty based on the index.

For every unit of increase of the respondents age their likelihood of reporting of have lived in poverty increases .049.  For every unit of increase of the respondent reporting of the level of democracy the likelihood of reporting of have lived in poverty decreases .105 units. 

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