At certain times in history it becomes imperative for a writer to delve beneath the surface of everyday news to define the meaning of events. In regard to the present age, no series of events has exerted a more profound influence over the deterioration of American culture and its political system than the Presidency of Barrack Hussein Obama. While many pundits and commentators have insisted that Obama’s era will be defined by the eradication of racial barriers and the shifting of politics toward a populist agenda, the reality is that Obama’s political career has been marked by corruption and fraud from its inception. Indeed, the implication of fraud exists in Obama’s life from the point of his birth to the latest moment of his unethical administration. This trail of deceit is complex enough to escape the notice of all but the most determined of investigators.
Tell us about your assignment and we will find the best writer for your project
Write My Essay For MeThis description is an apt one for Don Fredrick, author of The Complete Obama Timeline. In the search for truth, Fredrick channels a breathtaking amount of factual data through his no-nonsense filter and brings out the most cogent and significant trends and points of political action for public scrutiny. It is likely that The Complete Obama Timeline represents a unique journalistic achievement. The approach that is taken by Fredrick is based on comprehensiveness and comprehension in equal parts. Fredrick culls the most important news items and events pertaining to Obama and presents them in a way that even the most casual reader can easily understand.
There are two main ways of interacting with The Complete Obama Timeline: as an exhaustive historical resource, or as an epic narrative of the unprecedented illegality and corruption of one of America’s most infamous political figures. Those readers who are searching for comprehensive evidence to prove that Obama is a fraudulent President will need nothing more than the information available in Fredrick’s astounding three volume set. Readers who want to understand the full scope of Obama’s hijacking of politics and culture in this country will do no better than to peruse the entirety of Fredrick’s study. It is important to keep in mind that a full reading of the three volume set is necessary to understand the full ramifications of Obama’s negative impact on America.
One thing that prevents most observers from gaining an accurate insight into the reality of Obama is the mainstream media’s use of “white propaganda” which is a technique of covering partially true information with misleading lies. The preponderance of the information that surrounds any given issue, such as Obama’s birth-place, is both partially true and partially false. it is impossible to get an authentic picture of reality by relying on only one source. It is necessary to piece the image of truth together out of fragments of truth that are embedded in lies. The fact that the mainstream media is complicit in the proliferation of white propaganda is an indication of just how complex and challenging is the task that Fredrick has set for himself in The Complete Obama Timeline.
Fredrick’s ambition in presenting the three volume study is beyond that of merely exposing Obama and his handlers. The true ambition of the book is to rekindle the spirit of democracy and individualism in the reader and to empower each reader of the Timeline to understand the reality behind the mainstream media façade. The best way to think of The Complete Obama Timeline is as anti-programming. In other words, by reading it, each individual is led through the twisting maze of mainstream propaganda to a closely guarded heart of truth. it is in this closely guarded heart that the full scope of America’s political and cultural corruption must be recognized, but it is also here that the true beat of democracy and freedom continue to endure. Once Fredrick peels back the layers of lies for us, it is easy to see the steps we must take to recapture our nation from the Obama regime.
The rise of Obama corresponds directly to the decline of America. This is the basic truth around which the daily headlines and chattering blogosphere circulate. It is this truth that shines through the carefully indexed facts of Fredrick’s irrefutable argument. Not only is Fredrick’s approach unique, it presents an almost insoluble puzzle for those who would present Obama as a figure of positive transformation. It is necessary for each of us to arm ourselves against the ignorance that is fostered by propaganda. The daily news paves a highway for political lies and obfuscations; however, to the analytical eye, it also provides telltale evidences of the persistent truths of our age.
It is advisable for those who seek the truth to understand the key elements of The Complete Obama Timeline as being as persuasive and informative as the factual content of the work itself. Form and function is powerfully fused by Fredrick in the Timeline. This is not merely the result of an enviable literary talent on the author’s behalf, but a necessary outgrowth of the argument itself. Fredrick wants the reader to not only view the facts firsthand, but to experience the point by point logic of the argument that is presented in the three volume set. This is the best way to counter the malfeasance of the mainstream media. What follows is a point by point breakdown of Fredrick’s essential aesthetic and approach.
Purpose of The Complete Obama Timeline
The central reason for the creation of the Timeline is to inform the present with a true historical account of Obama’s dismantling of American culture. This central concern should not be mistaken for a desire to defame Obama or to present an image or caricature of his career. The Complete Obama Timeline differs from works of cultural and political propaganda in that it relies heavily on annotated references drawn from a vast array of sources. Rather than presenting an unsubstantiated argument, Fredrick adopts the opposite tact in presenting the evidence first to coalesce a refined argument articulated through a sustained, logical study. Another difference between a work of mainstream propaganda and the Timeline is that Fredrick presents his findings in a scholarly manner meant to flatter rather than insult the reader’s intelligence.
The purpose of the Timeline is revealed in this approach; it is to offer a reliable and virtually irrefutable testament of the Obama era that allows an intelligent person to have easy access to overwhelmingly persuasive information. This purpose is unique in today’s sea of specialized media. Fredrick avoids tailoring the information in the Timeline to flatter a short attention span or to give credence to the idea that “ignorance is bliss.” The style and substance of the Timeline is part of its distinctive purpose. While exposing the deceptions and crimes associated with Obama’s career, Fredrick also exposes the damages to scholarship, journalism and public awareness that have accompanied the decline of American culture during the Obama years. The particular way that the Timeline’s comprehensive approach works on the reader is to inform while also raising awareness.
Fredrick’s approach therefore opens up several purposes that fall outside of the narrow purpose of exposing Obama. Among these are, restoring the reader’s sense of political efficacy by informing them of the truth; inspiring the reader to look beyond the superficial platitudes of the mainstream media; and demonstrating the way that media can be used to effectively chronicle and critique social change and political corruption. Above all, the purpose of The Complete Obama Timeline is to provide the weapon of knowledge to every American who is interested in protecting and preserving their democratic culture from further destruction and decay. The Timeline’s purpose is to show how and why Obama seized power in America and how to hopefully seize that power back.
The Necessity of Comprehending the Timeline
Before the nation can move on and begin to heal from the damage of the Obama years, it is necessary to fully comprehend the reasons why Obama came to power and the mechanisms by which his power was attained and perpetuated. The forces behind Obama represent a conglomerated array of radicals whose intention is to fundamentally alter the fabric of American culture. In order to do this, it is first necessary to corrupt and falsify the institutions of government, as well as the public trust of journalism. In regard to this latter issue, The Complete Obama Timeline is an expose on the shortcomings of contemporary mainstream news reporting. It is also an example of what investigative journalism in the modern age can and should be. The ability to remain up-to-date in regard to all Obama related news articles makes it possible for Fredrick to add to the time-line virtually on a daily basis.
It is necessary for the reader to comprehend the Timeline in order to understand the changes that are currently taking place in America. Even the most politically unaware among is senses that our culture and society have headed in a downward spiral over the past few years. In fact, it has been over a period of decades that the de-evolution of American culture has been taking place. However, it has been under the Obama administration that the most egregious lapses in democratic process have taken place. For example, in August of 2015, the Timeline reported a story from the Chicago Tribune that linked terrorist suspect Nadir Soofi to Obama’s unconscionable Fast and Furious Operation. The Timeline also reported on scores of other stories, among them the GOP debate, the impact of inevitable rising interest rates on the already decimated American economy, and the failure of James Holmes, convicted killer in the Colorado theater shooting, to receive the death penalty.
These stories might go pat the casual viewer of news without making any kind of link to one another, let alone to the systematic dismantling of American culture that is being carried out under the Obama administration. By reading these stories in succession, it is much easier to see that there is a pattern to the news and that the pattern reflects a radical agenda top reshape America. This is why comprehending the Timeline is so necessary. In addition to being a practical method for remaining informed about newsworthy events, the Timeline provides an insight into the reasons for these events. For the astute reader, the Timeline also provides a way of documenting the calculated method of cultural and political corruption that has been perpetuated for decades by the radical left.
Another way to understand the necessity of comprehending the Timeline is to consider the consequences of not understanding the information provided in the multivolume set. To begin with, a lack of understanding regarding the illegitimacy of the Obama regime makes it far more likely that the radical agenda associated with Obama’s rise to power will be successful. Another consequence of failing to comprehend the Timeline is that the fragmented nature of contemporary news will be regarded as reliable when in reality mainstream media is driven more by the needs of propaganda than the need to inform. Yet a further consequence of failing to comprehend the Timeline is that future perversions of American democracy become more likely to be taken in stride.
The Complete Obama Timeline is not an alarmist manifesto built on partisan character assassination. Instead, it is a true to history accounting of the political and cultural machinations associated with the Obama regime. The need to comprehend the information that the Timeline makes available is the same need as the need for political freedom. Information is power and the current cultural and political climate in the United States is fostering an uninformed public, which translates to an uninformed electorate. It is only through a perpetuation of this culture of ignorance that the radical leftist agenda can be enacted against the true popular will. In regard to issue such as gun control, abortion, and immigration only a full accounting of contemporary history can provide voters with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.
Definition of Criticism
The purpose of the Complete Obama Timeline is to provide accurate historical facts regarding the detrimental impact of Obama’s radical agenda on America. Taken as a whole, the Timeline provides a comprehensive criticism of many fronts of American life. In order to appreciate the way that Fredrick deftly combines factual discourse with social commentary, it is essential to arrive at a solid definition of criticism itself. Is criticism, for example, a form of political protest? Is criticism founded on aesthetic principles? Or is it predicated on political insight? By defining criticism, it becomes much easier to fathom the impact of the Timeline as a tool for raising political awareness.
One aspect of criticism that must be incorporated into any definition is the idea of thorough evaluation. In other words, criticism that is based solely on pre-existing ideas is not true criticism, but is simply an articulation of personal philosophy. In terms of the Timeline, the comprehensive documentation that forms the backbone of the study ensures that Fredrick’s approach to criticism is based first and foremost on objective observation. This means that, for Fredrick, one defining quality of criticism is objectivity.
A second necessary aspect of any definition of criticism is the existence of an underlying set of principles. In the case of the Timeline, the underlying political principles are those that are evident in the United States Constitution. The aesthetic principles that underlie the project are based on honesty, logic, and careful documentation of the facts. The moral principles that underlie the Timeline are those based on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The careful proportioning of these principles empowers the Timeline by keeping it free from subjective bias or partisan zealotry.
The third and final criterion for a working definition of criticism is: intelligence. Criticism that is based in partial knowledge or on faulty logic is not criticism; it is opinion. True criticism is based on the application of intelligence and logic in appraising facts and interpreting contexts. This is, in fact, the purpose of criticism: to bring out the meaningful aspects of events or stated positions in relation to the viewpoint of an informed and intelligent observer. Without the latter attribute, criticism is of value only to the person making it. For criticism to have a popular or universal application, it must be driven by objectivity, facts, and intelligence.
Therefore, a good working definition of criticism is that it is informed evaluation based on a set of underlying principles that is applied with objectivity and intelligence. This definition allows the Timeline to be approached almost as an objective work of science. Rather than reflecting an editorial point of view, the Timeline embodies a form of poignant social and political criticism. With this definition in mind, another avenue of possibility is open and that is the possibility of applying the same critical guidelines to an appraisal of the Timeline itself. Obviously, this is one of the purposes of this very essay.
The definition of criticism offered above is one that is applicable to any number of works or historical events. It is especially empowering in light of the Obama agenda and the historical era that commenced in the 1960’s which paved the way for his rise to power. By bringing this form of potent criticism to bear against the radicalization of American culture that is associated with Obama and his enablers, the more dangerously subversive aspects of the Obama agenda become obvious and therefore much easier to resist. With the current smokescreen of the mainstream media in place, the Obama agenda is not only misunderstood by the public at large; it is welcomed as reform when in reality it is the destruction of the American political process.
Criticism that is based on a comprehensive collection of facts is an antithesis to the superficial platitudes of the mainstream media. Likewise, the utilization of a set of political, aesthetic, and moral principles is a way of asserting the primacy of American democracy, and the application of an objective intelligence on contemporary events functions as a form of popular political empowerment.
The Author of The Complete Obama Timeline as Critic
As the preceding definition of criticism indicates, the making of informed and objective evaluations presupposes an individual. It is not too much of a stretch to suggest that any work of criticism is only as meaningful as the critic who creates it. The Complete Obama Timeline abides by the tenants of the definition presented above while simultaneously conveying the unique sensibilities and capacities of its author. Don Fredrick, as author and critic, conveys conviction and tenacity through an unrelenting instinct for compilation and perception. Those who read the Timeline will encounter not only facts and criticism, but the literary personality of a man who is a gifted archivist and an eloquent critic.
The fact that Fredrick’s distinctive voice is present amid the plethora of documentation is a testament to the critical instinct he brings to bear on the Obama cabal and its destructive agenda. For example, the June 2014 section of the Timeline provides a thorough breakdown of the Obama’s attempt to subvert public opinion regarding the Bergdahl desertion case. After compiling a multitude of media sources in regard to the Obama administration’s statements on the case, Fredrick is able to employ his unique instincts for correlation and historical narrative to reach a crucial conclusion regarding Obama’s capacity to lead.
Fredrick asserts that it is impossible that the Obama administration could have been uninformed about Bergdahl’s status as a deserter. It is equally impossible that the administration could have remained ignorant of the fact that Bergdahl’s father held Taliban sympathies. Fredrick continues his assertions by stating that Obama had to have known that his failure to give notice to Congress would create controversy; that he must realize that the five released terrorists will likely return to combat and ill or wound Americans. These realities were also obvious impediments to the Democratic control of the Senate. Therefore, Fredrick concludes: “The absurdity of the situation suggests that Obama’s mental faculties are dangerously distorted. He is either unable to accept reality or he is unconcerned with the consequences of his ignoring reality.” (6-14, p.7) This passage embodies the essential function and style of Fredrick’s unique capacity as a critic.
The unique perspective that is revealed by Fredrick is one that is able to collate a wide range of sources and distill these seemingly disparate sources into a declarative interpretation. Those who simply skimmed the documented articles or transcripts of televised interviews might never understand the catastrophic revelation of Obama’s mental faculties that is evident in a studied perspective of the Bergdahl case. What Fredrick evidences in his role as critic is a balanced approach that organizes facts in a way that reveals the most significant trends and agendas that lie beneath the surface of events.
By acknowledging Fredrick as a critic rather than a commentator, the reader enters into a more profound level of political understanding while reading The Complete Obama Timeline. This is because the facts that are compiled in the Timeline are not merely evidences of a particular point of view on politics. Rather, the facts that are compiled by Fredrick in the Timeline are studied components of an overall critical vision that seeks to first reveal, then obstruct, and then ultimately to reverse the radical transformation of American culture that lies at the heart of Obama’s hidden agenda. Fredrick is a critic and not merely a commentator because he applies a studied evaluation of comprehensive evidence through a set of political, moral, and aesthetic principles that are based on objectivity and critical intelligence. The unique critical qualities that are brought to the table by Fredrick are those which, fortunately, are ideally matched for the task of The Complete Obama Timeline.
Maintaining a High Writing Standard
A critical capacity, no matter how insightful and objective, is of little use if the critic has no capacity for articulation. To this end, it is also necessary when encountering a critic to evaluate the writing and style that is used to transmit the critic’s ideas. In Fredrick’s case, the adoption of a rigorous standard for clarity and specificity all but eliminates the usual stylistic deficiencies that are often present in works of political or social criticism. It is crucial for Fredrick to maintain a high writing standard because the ideas and conclusions that are present in the Timeline are of such utmost importance.
Because of this imperative, it is not only necessary for Fredrick to adopt a high standard for writing, it is also necessary that he employ a clean, declarative approach to his critical statements. Fredrick’s writing is based on logic rather than style. A better way of phrasing it might be that logic is the underlying style of Fredrick’s writing. This means that the emotions, biases, and hyperbole that is most often associated with political commentary is entirely absent from The Complete Obama Timeline. The adoption of a rigorous writing standard is a tool that reinforces the intellectual objectivity of the work itself.
Another aspect of the writing standard that is evident in Fredrick’s work is that Fredrick pursues a stylistic voice that encourages the facts, rather than the writer, to come to the forefront of the narrative. Fredrick’s high standard for writing exerts a dampening impact on any urge that the author may have to celebrate his own insights or stroke his own ego. The result of this exacting standard is that the author simply stands out of the way of his own material and presents as clear and cogent picture of political reality as is possible in written communication. If Fredrick’s personality and unique capacities are driving forces behind his critical faculties, they exert minimal influence over his authorial style. The best word that could be used to describe Fredrick’s style is “anonymous.”
Such a designation actually functions as a way of magnifying the author’s creative contributions because it is the absence of any “ego” or personal bias that allows the deeply personal interpretation of the historical events to take place. Without the expression of the underlying critical conclusions, the Timeline would be nothing more than an index of loosely associated media sources and documents. It is precisely Fredrick’s critical perception that unifies the disparate material, just as it is precisely Fredrick’s clean, objective writing style that allows the logic of his argument to reach its highly persuasive and irrefutable conclusions.
The gravitas of the material that is covered in the Timeline makes it even more essential that a high standard for writing is brought to bear throughout the multivolume set. The high standard of writing also extends to editing and copy-editing. The Timeline is presented with an impeccable sense of order and clarity. This allows for the clarity of Fredrick’s style to reinforce the clarity of his logic and argument. For example, in the August 2012 section of the Timeline, Fredrick is able to coldly reject the logic used by leftists in interpreting polls. Fredrick reaches the conclusion that: “It is therefore absurd to assume that Democrats will outnumber Republicans by 9 points on election day—especially when polls show that GOP voters are far more enthusiastic about voting Obama out of office than Democrat voters are about keeping him in the White House.” (8-12, p.3). This is an assessment that is presented with objectivity and logic but it is based on an understanding of how emotional animus drives electoral trends. It is the presence of a rigidly logical style in combination with a high standard for writing that elevates the Timeline from a mere archive of information to a studied criticism.
The Author’s Place as a Writer
In estimating the nature of Fredrick’s place as a writer in the stream of American media and scholarship, it is important to keep in mind that Fredrick’s ambition in creating the Timeline is to elucidate the facts of history and current events, not to exalt a personal literary talent. That said, there are several aspects of Fredrick’s literary style and approach to writing that bestows a unique status on him as a writer of contemporary political criticism. One of these aspects is the fact that Fredrick avails himself of the latest technological tools to remain informed and to keep the Timeline updated on a virtually daily basis.
A second aspect to Fredrick’s place as a writer is the scope of his ambition. In previous eras, a work of similar magnitude and exhaustive documentation would require a staff of writers, which would render the previously described and all important critical capacity of the Timeline impossible. By applying his singular capacities as a critic to a topic of vast scope and importance, Fredrick has ensured himself a place at the forefront of contemporary political criticism. It is essential to distinguish his work from works of political commentary. While the Internet provides myriad blogs, journals, and news sites, most of the content that is presented in these venues is based on editorializing rather than objective criticism.
Fredrick’s place as a writer touches on both traditional and modern capacities. For example, Fredrick’s scholarly determination and willingness to amass a plentitude of documentation to base his assertions on facts draws from the strongest literary traditions of the past. By contrast, Fredrick’s ability to step out of the way of his own message works against the grain of the usual contemporary approach to writing, which is to lead with the word “I.” Fredrick is both a journalist and a critic of history. His place as a writer rests partially on his work as a social commentator and partially on his ability to bring together a varied background of sources and media in a coherent and informative fashion.
Modern publishing, including blogs, tweets, web-sites, and eBooks present a unique opportunity for writers of all varieties to bring their material to an audience. This means that the onus of providing meaningful and useful information falls solely on the writer. Fredrick’s approach to the Timeline is innovative in a way that allows for maximum depth and clarity. Rather than sacrifice documentation, evidence, or sustained argument in favor of Internet-friendly brevity, Fredrick takes the opposite approach and uses the array of available technologies to write and inform on a more complete and profound level.
When viewed in this light, the Timeline is also a tool for informing a new generation of writers. The Timeline proves that sustained and comprehensive scholarship is still possible in the age of instant gratification. The writing that is offered by Fredrick is based on meaning rather than style. However, it is precisely the style that emerges from this approach that can be used as a starting point for other writers and critics. The use of an objective voice in reporting facts is the perfect antidote to the “gotchya” culture of the mass media. For critics of the Timeline, it might be tempting to attack Fredrick on a personal level rather than grapple with the ideas and evidence provided in his work. However, such an approach would be instantly recognized as desperate and futile because the Timeline exists quite apart from subjective opinion. It is based in fact. The author is more interested in expressing the truth of history than in gaining personal recognition or accolade.
Fredrick’s place as a writer is at the leading edge of serious political and social criticism. His example is one that should empower others to take up a similar fact-based approach to contemporary and historical events. In the age of instant information there is no reason to sacrifice depth, logic, or honesty. While many writers, bloggers, and journalists are interested in building a name through repetitious exposure, Fredrick relies on the profundity and importance of his ideas to act as a pragmatic tool to inform and empower Americans.
Requisites of Criticism. Sound Judgment of the Author
Fredrick’s objective approach to writing style allows for the concepts, arguments, and facts to shine through the Timeline providing easy comprehension for the reader. The ideas and concepts behind the writing are rooted in Fredrick’s capacity to evaluate a plethora of information and reach sound conclusions. Some might refer to this kind of a capacity as a “critical instinct,” but in actuality, the sound judgment of the author is a consequence of Fredrick’s intelligence, honesty, and scholarly tenacity. Without these personal qualities, the Timeline would not be possible.
As with the detailed definition of criticism articulated above, the judgment of the author of the Timeline is a fundamental precept on which the work is built. This capacity also informs every page of the Timeline and is the element by which the rote recitation of documents and facts is raised to the level of criticism. There is an interesting dynamic at work between the writing style adopted by Fredrick and the ideas and information that are contained in the Timeline. Fredrick’s writing style is impersonal and objective while his insights are founded on his unique capacities as a thinker and critic. It is the most desirable combination that could be found for the Timeline because it allows for the presentation of a vast amount of supporting sources while retaining an absolutely unique perspective on events and also on the media coverage of events.
When most people consume stories or editorials presented in the mainstream media, they passively accept what is presented to them. This means that contradictory conclusions are able to superficially coexist in their minds while they remain ignorant of the larger ramifications of the information they are receiving. This kind of relationship to media is non-critical. It functions regardless of the participation of the viewer because it is simply a passing headline or opinion. The benefit of having a document like the Timeline is that the critical capacities of an informed and intelligent thinker are engaged with the material and the material is therefore presented in such a way as to maximize the reader’s perception and understanding.
The only natural conclusion to reach in regard to the critical evaluations present in the Timeline is that they represent an antithesis to the mainstream media. The mainstream media seeks to encourage superficial perceptions, partisan-driven rhetoric, and ephemerality. By contrast, the Timeline engages with history as a dynamic process that is impacted and changed, if slightly, on a daily, almost hourly, basis. Critical engagement with history means that the lessons of historical events are then applied to subsequent events. It is an active, rather than passive, process that interacts with the material with the assumption that the information contained therein is a force for shaping future events and for informing our knowledge of events that have already taken place.
It may be a platitude to say that “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” This fact does not make the truth of the statement any less relevant or perceptive. Fredrick’s critical judgment is an expedient measure that allows anyone with access to the Timeline to not only comprehend the lessons of history that are associated with Obama’s rise to power, but to understand the means by which the radical decline of America can be remedied. This means that Fredrick’s critical judgment translates directly to proscribed action. The first step in any kind of political or social reform is to transform the perceptions of the public at large. When provided with sufficient information the average American is more than capable of seeing beyond the veil of political trickery and media propaganda. Once the veil is penetrated, even the most casual of observers will be moved to change their way of thinking and this, in turn, will inspire future actions. As the Timeline becomes more and more well-known, public awareness regarding the current critical juncture in American democracy will increase making it more likely that resistance to further decline and corruption will increase in both capacity and scope.
Criticism an Acquired Art
The sheer amount of sources and documentation that are part of The Complete Obama Timeline indicate the breadth of knowledge and information that underscore Fredrick’s critical acumen. One of the reasons that Fredrick is able to collate the multitude of sources and documents that are used in the Timeline into a meaningfully organized form is because Fredrick has internalized the information. His critical faculties are able to immediately engage with a news item or news event because of the immense depth of his background knowledge.
This is not to suggest that anyone who read through the complete source material for the Timeline would be able to reach the same kind of prescient and probing conclusions that are evidenced by Frederick. Rather it is to say that criticism is not only an outgrowth of personal aptitude and perception; it is an acquired art. One of the learning curves that is associated with serious social and political criticism is to be able to understand the fundamental meaning of a given document or event. One analogy would be that of a jigsaw puzzle. A highly experienced puzzle solver is able to immediately identify the most likely relationship of any given single puzzle piece to the puzzle as a whole.
There is no way to gain the kind of critical insight that Fredrick relies on to create the Timeline. Criticism of the depth and magnitude that is offered by Fredrick is only possible when the critic has painstakingly acquired all of the elements that are needed to not only ferret out salient evidence, but to present persuasive arguments in favor of strong, grounded conclusions. This is an acquired art that is only possible for thinkers and critics who have both the native capacity for critical thinking and the determination and persistence to examine exhaustive evidence and sources.
There are additional reasons why the acquiring of a critical faculty is a key point of the Timeline’s significance to American political thought and culture. One of these reasons is that the building of critical faculties also represents an aspect of individual character. In other words, it is easier to trust and rely on a writer such as Fredrick who has demonstrated his critical acumen. This is because the reader instinctively realizes that such an acquired critical faculty requires unique talents and abilities. An obvious ability would be the patience to examine and appraise vast amounts of documentation and evidence. Another obviously ability is the ability to make connections between previously unconnected materials. A third ability is that of discrimination, meaning the ability to pick out evidence that is germane from evidence that is suspicious or superfluous.
This latter point may seem self-evident. However, it is specifically this kind of gratuitous editorializing that characterizes a vast majority of political and social discourse in America at this time. Stating and restating the obvious is widely regarded as an acceptable form of political commentary. Commonly referred to as the use of “talking points” the homogenous nature of the mainstream media is well known to take refuge in broadcasting empty platitudes and recycling stories again and again. Conversely, the superficial repetition of obvious talking points also allow important stories such as the suppression of the true story behind Obama’s birth-certificate, The Fast and Furious Scandal, or the I.R.S. political-targeting story to simply go largely unnoticed by the average citizen.
This is why an acquired critical acumen is such a powerful tool. It reveals the largely meaningless deluge of the mainstream media as being a form of obfuscation. It also reveals that bits of truth can be discovered behind the veneer of propaganda. Without an acquired critical taste it is more or less impossible to “crack the code” of the mainstream media and find the true story of corruption and leftist radicalization that exists beneath the placid surface.
Diversity in Criticism
Even the keenest critical acumen is empty without a diverse perspective. In order to promote diversity in criticism it is necessary for source information to be comprised of as expansive and exhaustive materials as is possible. Fredrick points out the enormous challenges and potential that is associated with the investigative tools available to modern critics and researchers. In Volume Seven of The Complete Obama Timeline Fredrick describes his method of compiling documents, sources, and evidence. Fredrick writes: “Virtually all of the references in this book are Web pages” and he confirms that even sources that originated as “magazines, books, or newspapers” were replicated by “Web pages that contained or confirmed the same information” (Vol. 7, p. xii). Because Web pages are prone to change or outright disappearance, Fredrick is careful to compile a master-list of all sources that are cited in the Timeline at an Internet page where they can be easily updated and maintained.
As Fredrick notes, the Timeline incorporates thousands of diverse references and source materials. The “tens of thousands of references” can be accessed by anyone with the inclination to do so simply by using their computer. This means that the Timeline is, in fact, a unique reference source in that it functions as an archive for a tremendous base of material related to the Obama regime. Interested parties can use the Timeline as a departure point for their own investigations of source material, just as they can use the critical approach that is evident in the Timeline as a guideline for their own critical interpretations. This is one of the strengths in developing a criticism based on diversity.
The foundation of diverse sources of evidence also encourages a diverse response. This means that multiple critical perspectives are likely to be ignited by the example of the Timeline. While it is almost certain that the Timeline will remain the most complete and exhaustive source on the topic, the inevitable critics that are inspired by Fredrick’s example will flesh out the historical facts and help to elucidate the best way forward as America begins to repair the damage experienced during Obama’s reign. A diverse body of criticism is a desirable outcome for many reasons. The most important reason is that it promotes a complete awareness of the criminality and corruption that have enabled and empowered the Obama regime. Another reason is that diversity in criticism helps to empower individuals who might otherwise choose to remain silent and disengaged.
By inspiring a widespread, informed critical response to the Obama administration, the people themselves are able to shape the political and cultural dialogue of the near term future. This means that critical diversity is a form of political and cultural activism. It is also the kind of activism that is likely to produce a pragmatic result. One example would be the obvious issue of whether or not the accounting of Obama’s true place of birth is an act of deliberate deceit by the Obama regime. If enough critics are able to articulate an informed and reasonable argument that suggests Obama has lied about his place of birth, then the raising of public awareness on this highly significant issue will have been accomplished even if Obama is never held legally responsible for this crime.
Sources of Diversity
Multiple sources help to foster confidence in the assertions of any political critic. In modern times the proliferation of potential sources is almost beyond comprehension. A simple Google search on any topic, let alone a topic related to trending issues, will likely reveal thousands, if not millions, of relevant sources. With respect to The Compete Obama Timeline a sustained effort has been made by Fredrick to keep the information as timely and as authentic as possible. This approach has resulted in a staggering index of over 80,000 cites and sources. With this many sources, the Timeline is assured a broad base of factual accuracy. That said, Fredrick admits to the inclusion of rumors when these rumors can be substantiated as having a high probability of being accurate.
The inclusion of rumors or of sources such as Wikipedia may seem to demonstrate the irrelevancy of the Timeline due to its lack of rigorous screening of sources. In fact, the opposite is the case. By including rumors or Web pages such as those found at Wikipedia, the Timeline is able to present an accurate picture of the media point of view across the board at any given moment. It is crucial to remember that the Timeline is not a journalistic source; it is a critical source. This means that it is not Fredrick’s stated ambition to uncover original journalistic stories, but rather to cull and distill information from as wide an array of media sources as is functional and necessary.
The rich diversity of sources that are part of the Timeline presents an opportunity for modern historians and scholars to play a living role in the unfolding history of America. The links to sources that are provided at the “references” link at The Complete Obama Timeline web-site are vital components of understanding the cultural and political conditions of the country. This insight into conditions exemplifies the kind of inspiration that is necessary to give impetus to original historical research. While it is true that the Timeline presents information through an obvious, targeted perspective, the relevancy of the information that is conveyed in Fredrick’s argument is applicable to a wide variety of historical contexts.
The method of compiling evidence and sources has also changed in modern times. Computer searches make it not only possible but highly advisable to conduct frequent updates to existing databases. The detailed index that is provided in the print version of The Complete Obama Timeline is a stable quick-reference point to the key concepts that are covered in the work. The compilation of online sources is a changing but always accessible tool for promoting deeper inquiries into the issues covered in the Timeline.
Another source of diversity for the evidence and documentation of the Timeline is the diversity of platforms of journalism, and political opinion themselves. From blogs to “wikis” to online magazines and journals, the scope of political and cultural dialogue is so vast that it eludes complete auditing by any single observer. This is another aspect of the Timeline that feeds into the importance of Fredrick’s individual capacity for critical observation. Because Fredrick is such a capable critic and writer, there is meaning simply in the choice of sources that are compiled as well as the order in which they appear in the Timeline.
The most significant aspect of the diversity of sources in the Timeline is that such an approach helps to invigorate the central conceptual arguments articulated by Fredrick. In fact, such a diverse and extensive body of source material and evidence helps to create an irrefutable basis for many of the assertions implied by the Timeline. It is assumed that the reader is an active participant in the debate and that they will avail themselves of the available references and sources in their pursuit of truth. If the Timeline contains certain references to unsubstantiated rumor or anecdotal testimony it is assumed the reader is astute enough to track down the source information and make a personal determination as to what is or is not credible.
Utility of Criticism
As mentioned previously, the purpose of the criticism that is presented in the Timeline is practical in nature. The intention of the author is to provide a pragmatic tool for raising awareness about conditions in American politics and culture that are associated with Obama. By raising awareness, the author also intends to place obstacles in the path of those radical elements that seek to subvert and even destroy American democracy. Just as Fredrick’s approach in analyzing source materials and events is based on a utilitarian critical response, the present critical study of the Timeline is meant to guide the reader in an appreciation for the various strengths and perspectives represented in the work.
Criticism is too often considered an abstract pursuit that is meant merely to judge and appraise a given work or accomplishment. In reality, criticism is a tool for creating a change in perception and, in some cases, a change in public consciousness. If the latter accomplishment is made, it is usually due to the overwhelming evidence that is brought to bear in support of specific insights and concepts that are brought forward by a critic. In Fredrick’s case there can be no doubt that any reader who approaches the Timeline with an open mind and a degree of patience and determination will come away with a deeper understanding of the current political climate in America as well as a deeper insight into the way that the mainstream media functions in relation to politics.
Frederick’s criticism is a functional criticism that is designed to engage the reader as an active participant in the transpiring of United States political events under the rule of Barrack Hussein Obama. This is not merely a function of entertainment or education. Instead it is a tool for regaining political efficacy and participation in the American political process that have been eroded during Obama’s tenure as leader. Again as with Fredrick’s adoption of a de-personalized writing style, the conceptual basis of the Timeline is based on inciting response far beyond recognition of the author or the author’s ideas. The Timeline is a direct effort to subvert and reverse Obama’s ruinous policies. The radical agenda that inspires Obama’s administration poses a direct threat to the institutions and traditions of democracy that have made America a great nation. Therefore it is imperative that social and political criticism that is directed at this agenda be based in pragmatics rather than abstractions.
The preponderance of ideology in political discourse is evidence of the tendency to make all debate abstract in nature. This, along with the superficial coverage of events offered by the mainstream media, is a primary cause for the lack of interest that so many people express in the political process. American democracy is predicated on participation. The engagement of the citizen with the political process is an underlying principle of not only American government but American society itself. Little doubt remains as to whether or not it is this principle itself that is the target of Obama’s radical agenda.
What the Obama administration wants is to disempower the population at large and make the average citizen dependent on government. This is an inversion of what is intended in the Constitution where it is obviously government that depends on the citizens for its continued legitimacy and welfare. This point exposes another one of the Timeline’s practical applications. By coming to understand the ways in which the Obama regime has attempted to subvert American democracy, the reader of the Timeline is able to gain a deeper insight into the principles of the Constitution and American democracy. By learning more about what is at stake in the struggle between the people and a predatory and illegitimate Federal government, citizens become more empowered and more resolved to resist further incursions against their Constitutional rights.
Materials of Criticism
Criticism is a form of response and evaluation. Of course, in order to arrive at a critical judgement of any process, object, or event, it is necessary to assemble specific materials. Among the necessary materials are: something to be critiqued, a system of criticism through which to view and interpret the subject at hand, and a body of supportive evidence to drive home the critical argument. Salient points that are backed up by documentation and source material are far more persuasive than assertions based solely on subjective opinion. This means that another important component of critical materials is a reservoir of relevant references.
The idea of materials extends beyond physical conceptions. Materials such as sound judgment, rhetorical aptitude, and logical thinking are as important as the assembling of soured materials. These aspects of criticism are, of course, based on individual capacity but they are no less dispensable than strictly material components. It is, in fact, the interaction between the subjective response and the objective materials that makes criticism possible. It is the degree to which an individual critic is willing to challenge their preexisting assumptions and biases that the materials of criticism are allowed to expand and grow.
The materials of criticism are vastly different than those of commentary. While a critic requires documentation, sound logic, taste and evaluation and cogent articulation, commentary merely requires a willingness to express one’s subjective opinion. Whereas commentary is often intended to incite an emotional response in the reader or viewer, criticism is meant to stimulate both the emotional and intellectual capacity of the audience. The materials of criticism are meant to elevate subjective response to a level of universal understanding. The purpose of commentary is to reinforce preexisting opinions or to incite debate. Criticism is intended to elucidate debate with facts and evidence while pointing out previously unseen connections between events.
Another dimension to the materials of criticism is the technology that makes the dissemination of critical writings possible. The various media that are available range from traditional print publishing to blogs and everything in between. For example, a reader who is interested in perusing the entire Timeline has many options available for gaining access. The entirety of the Timeline is available online at The Complete Obama Timeline web-site. Readers can purchase paper copies through Those readers who are interested in the Timeline but have insufficient time to read the multivolume set can read The Condensed Obama Timeline online. Additionally, Fredrick offers dozens of standalone essays at the Timeline web-site such as “Dana Perino is a Mind-Reader” (2015) and “A Modest Proposal (to save $700 billion) (2008). The essays round out the political criticism that is evident in the Timeline.
The multitude of formats and media available to contemporary critics combine in a powerful way with contemporary access to virtually unlimited research materials. With a high degree of critical capacity and a great deal of patience it is possible, in the modern age, to pursue a specific issue of event in such a way as to “map” its historical reality. The resultant critical map can help guide contemporary debate on issues; it can also provide a solid foundation for future historians to fathom the important issues of the current age. In many ways, one of the most important tools available to the critic is: time. This is because it is time that often clarifies distinguishing patterns of historical change. It is also a powerful way for examining the purpose and origin of important political and cultural trends.
Once the materials of criticism are combined with the strong acumen of a seasoned critic, the result is that thought is transformed through literary capacity into action. The final and most important material for criticism is, of course, the published message. It is through communication to a mass audience that a critic’s observations can be best tested and also best spread through into popular consciousness. The end-result of using the materials of criticism at their most effective level is that the critic and audience are brought together as active participants in the evolution of politics and culture in their nation.
Molding Influences
One of the most crucial characteristics for any critic is the ability to grow and learn through exposure to solid influences. This means that in addition to exercising a critical faculty in regard to the subject at hand, a good critic is also able to employ informed discrimination regarding the molding of influences. Such a process is a two-way street. On one hand the critic is impacted by many stimuli, some sound and some less reliable. On the other hand, the critic exerts a molding influence on those who encounter their work.
Being aware of the two-way process is the best way for any critic to approach the dynamic of influences. If a critic remains blind to their own capacity to be susceptible to influences, then they are apt to be blinded at some point by an unseen bias. A good critic maintains a robust awareness of what sources have influenced and are continuing to influence their thought both in terms of logic and in terms of emotional response. For example, a critic who confronts the Obama administrations disingenuous statements of the Benghazi scandal with profound indignation due to a personal experience in the military or with the diplomatic corps is apt to misinterpret facts or miss important extenuating circumstances.
If that same critic remains consciously aware of their personal influences in regard to the Benghazi issue, the potential for a mistake in analysis diminishes. The most important thing about molding influences is to remain aware of the fact that influences inform our actions and tastes in ways that are often hard to distinguish. By remaining vigilant, a good critic learns to see not only through their influences, but around them altogether. The objective grasp of facts, as previously describes, is one of the indispensable tools of any critic. This is especially true in regard to Fredrick and The Complete Obama Timeline.
By presenting such a strong edifice of facts and documentation, Fredrick is able to frame an argument that is very likely to exert a profound influence on other thinkers and writers. To this end, Fredrick is careful to make access to all of the original source material as free as possible and also by keeping the Timeline up to date on an almost daily basis. The organic growth of the Timeline mirrors the progression of historical events. This dimension of the Timeline is an influence in itself in that it draws readers into an active participation with contemporary issues and events.
Another consequence of molding influence is the capacity that Fredrick demonstrates to influence real-time opinion with respect to current issues. Because the Timeline is updated so frequently there is a great chance for readers to encounter the critical ideas expressed by Fredrick concurrently with their becoming informed about specific issues. The fact that the mainstream media often allows important stories to simply pass through a single news-cycle, the Timeline encourages thoughtful and sustained examination of issues. So if a reader is interested in the failures of Obamacare, it is highly unlikely that they will find a sustained examination of the shortcomings of the health-care law presented during the nightly news.
By contrast, the Timeline is likely to reference stories in relation to the central issue of health-care that the reader may not ever have considered as being connected unless the items were presented to them via Fredrick’s unique critical capacity. While Fredrick’s intention is to inform and empower the average citizen, one consequence of the Timeline’s astounding clarity and comprehensiveness is the molding and shaping of influences. One of the most significant out-growths of this influence is that readers of the Timeline are unlikely to continue holding unreserved faith in the objectivity and accuracy of their everyday sources of information.
The Artistic Element
So far, the present critical evaluation of The Complete Obama Timeline has been confined largely to the informational and transformative capacity of Fredrick’s critical thought. However, there is another aspect to the Timeline that is very important in regard to the cultural and political significance of the work. This aspect is expressive in nature and has to do with what might be called the Timeline’s artistic dimension. While the Timeline is a work of non-fiction, it is still a creative work that is colored and shaded by the sensibilities of its creator.
Notice that the word “sensibilities” is far different than the word “opinions.” While it is obvious that any critic is possessed of myriad opinions, these fall short of being the primary drivers of the Timeline’s artistic elements. A work of art is used to transmit two primary things: information and emotion. In the best works of art, the two elements are so perfectly fused that it is functionally impossible to separate them. In terms of The Complete Obama Timeline, the artistic elements of the work are guided by their service to the author’s presentation of historical reality. This means, for example, that the emotional expression of the author is purposely repressed under the need to draw factual conclusions based on evidence.
Does this mean that the Timeline is devoid of emotion altogether? Of course not. In fact, quite the opposite is the case. The Timeline is driven by passionate emotion and by the fervent desire to see American democracy restored to its highest potentials. However, these emotions are placed in service of the message and historical record of the Timeline and, as such, must be viewed as textured beneath the surface of the words. This is obviously an opposite strategy from that which is used in editorial-based media such as blogs. When a critic leads with their emotional response the intense energy of the emotion often stands in the way of the reader’s easy grasp of the critical conclusions and evidence. The topic and political themes that are part of the Timeline are far too important to obscure under the release of pure emotion be it anger or laughter. In regard to this latter response it is not only possible to laugh at the Obama regime; it is probably necessary to do so in order to fully grasp the practical situation at hand. To this end, the Timeline web-site includes a link to Obama based cartoons and other humorous content. This is part of the artistic dimension of the Timeline because it is important to keep in touch with the basic elements of human nature, including the capacity to resist corruption through the use of ridicule and humor, when attempting to subvert a dehumanizing political agenda.
While it is true that Obama’s policies are meant to create a less human and less humane American populace, it is also true that the creative and artistic capacities of everyday people poses a huge obstacle to the radical agenda embodied by the Obama regime. The artistic aspect of the Timeline is to engage the reader at every level, from humorous to cerebral, in order to impart as much information and knowledge-based power to the reader as possible. While there is a degree of restrained emotion on the author’s part in the Timeline, no such expectation is made of the Timeline’s prospective audience. Clearly, the weight of the Timeline and its critical conclusions is meant to resound in the reader’s mind while also exciting the reader’s emotional response. Frustration and anger are often limiting emotions. They are common reactions to learning the historical realities recorded in The Complete Obama Timeline but the logic and sustained argument of the Timeline encourages readers to transform these quite natural, but potentially negative, emotions into feelings of political engagement and efficacy.
This is where the most profound artistic elements of the Timeline come into play because it is a signature quality of any work of art to transmit one emotion to another. For Fredrick the process includes transforming emotional response into active participation. This means that the Timeline successfully incorporates the emotional resonance of a work of art while maintaining the political and cultural impetus of a book of knowledge.
Matter and Form
The fusion of form and function is another aspect of artistic works that is applicable to the Timeline. The vast amount of material that is present in the Timeline is unified by the author’s aesthetic approach. The author’s perspective is related in the choice of material and documentation that are fused into the Timeline’s critical appraisal of events. The purpose of Fredrick’s aesthetic is to inform and empower, rather than to agitate and disrupt. This is the reason for channeling the emotional response of the Timeline into a stream of logic and facts.
One key element of Fredrick’s aesthetic is to present the documentation and facts in the present tense. This seemingly simple technique is a tremendously powerful tool that is useful in placing the reader in active participation with historical and current events. This is a crucial point in why the Timeline is both an innovative document and one that is pragmatic, rather than merely journalistic, in nature. Political and cultural events are happening so fast in contemporary life that it is almost impossible for even the most diligent and conscientious citizen to remain informed at a suitable level in regard to powerful issues such as war, the economy, political corruption, and the securing of America’s borders.
Fredrick’s aesthetic is designed to meet the challenges of the present day square on. It is also designed to instill a sense of purpose and hope in the reader. There is a excitement that comes with throwing off the veil of lies that is offered by the mainstream media. The Complete Obama Timeline combines the best features of journalistic writing, scholarly documentation, and artistic expression resulting in a unique and deeply informative document of political and social criticism. It is likely that the aesthetic example of the Timeline which is both highly ambitious and reliably pragmatic will inspire future critics to construct similar works that span across a multimedia platform.
One thing to always keep in mind in regard to Fredrick’s personal style and perspective is that is an approach that has been constructed on the strength of innumerable readings of evidence, documents, and opinion. The Timeline is the result of prolonged, energetic study and interpretation. This is the reason that form and function are so potently balanced in the Timeline’s aesthetic. Fredrick’s point in creating such an exhaustive study is to deconstruct the lies of the mainstream media and the Obama administration while also encouraging each of the Timeline’s readers to become self-actualized thinkers and social critics in their own right.
This is a necessary step toward restoring American democracy. without an informed citizenry, the electoral process becomes an exercise in futility. Democracy depends on the free and full right to information and the free and full right to debate issues. The Complete Obama Timeline is an example of why these functions are so important for a democracy and why they are so powerful. The way forward into the future is to follow the precedent set by Fredrick in the Timeline; to square our collective shoulders and move resolutely toward the restoration of our nation and culture.
It will take many years, and maybe even decades, for America to recover form the destructive agenda and policies of the Obama regime. When the end of the Obama era is finally reached, it is incumbent on the survivors to not only remember the corruption, crime, and radicalization of American culture that took pace under the Obama regime’s illegitimate rule, but to actively guard against the repeating of the same fallacies and crimes in the future. At such a point in future history, The Obama Timeline will continue to function as a touchstone for those who are dedicated to understanding the lessons of political history.
It is certain that fredrick’s great work will inspire successive critics to attempt equally profound and comprehensive studies. what remains to be seen is whether or not other critics will demonstrate the same grasp of logic, moral sense, literary style, and scholarship that is evidenced by Fredrick in The Complete Obama Timeline. It is for the good of our nation and for untold future generations that we hope that Fredrick’s laudable and sensible example will set a template for further researchers and thinkers. The Timeline is not merely a document, but an act of political will meant to enlighten us all.
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