SOC 102A Social Inequality & Ill Health in Australia Essay

SOC 102A Social Inequality & Ill Health in Australia Essay


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Type Essay
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SOC 102A Social Inequality & Ill Health in Australia Essay

1) discuss what is social inequality. Use theory to explain what are social inequalities and explain the various ways we can see social inequality in society – for example, gender inequalities, housing, education, employment and income, location (rural/urban), access to services etc etc

Relevant theories for explaining social inequalities can include: Marxism (class inequalities), Critical Race theory (race inequalities), Feminism (gender inequalities).

2) Secondly, the question is asking us how is social inequality linked to ill-health. Discuss and cite research which shows this link.

3) Thirdly, discuss groups that are socially-disadvantaged and the impacts of such disadvantages on their health. This is the empirical part of the discussion so researched examples and case studies are needed.

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