Schedule Chart Analysis Paper

Schedule Chart Analysis Paper


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Download and examine the project task list from the link provided in the module. Based on this task list, you will create a PERT chart and write a paper that discusses the following:

Identify which set of tasks create the critical path.
Determine which task would be best to crash to reduce the critical path.
Determine if there is a change to the critical path by crashing the task. Is there a new critical path?
What other information would be beneficial to know to see if the selected task was the best option for crashing?
Your paper should be 2 pages, well written and in conformity with APA format for style and writing expectations. Your PERT chart is part of your page requirements. Include a title page and a reference page that includes at least two outside references to support your analysis.


Task Task Description Days to Complete Cost Days after Crash Cost after Crash Days Reduced Crash Cost Cost Per Day Reduced
AB Develop plans for product 5 $ 1,500.00 3 $ 1,900.00
BC Have programmers customize software 7 $ 2,500.00 4 $ 3,300.00
BD Have engineer customize hardware 6 $ 1,800.00 5 $ 2,200.00
CE Have quality officer test software 4 $ 2,200.00 3 $ 2,800.00
DE Place hardware within casing 3 $ 1,400.00 2 $ 1,900.00
EF Install software onto hardware 7 $ 1,900.00 5 $ 2,200.00
Tasks are in (START) (STOP) formats. So, task AB starts at point A and ends at point B. For tasks BC and BD, they both start when tasks AB ends (point B).
Consider this your “dependency” for the project.
While most traditional PERT charts have a weighted average, consider the days to complete and crash as the established weighted averages.
You must create a PERT chart for both pre- and post-crashing.

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