S1 21 MKT501 Assignment 2: Marketing Plan – part 1

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CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY Asia Pacific College of Business and Law

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan – part 1

Due Date: Week 8, Sunday midnight (Darwin time)

Value: 35%

Length: 2,000 – 2,500 words

Preparation: ▪ Participation in lectures and tutorials week 1 to week 8

▪ Engaging with the learning activities and provided material.

▪ Independent research on the target market environment and competitors.

Presentation: • Professional business report

• Cover page is NOT required, just add a header and footer to indicate

your name, student number, study location and, the unit

information (unit code and name).

• Assignments are to be typed, with one and a half line spacing, and a

12-point font size. Please also allow for page margins of at least 2cm

each. Overall, adopt a professional approach.

S121 MKT501, Assessment 2-part 1 Page 2

Task Details

Task Based on assignment 1, you now have developed a good understanding of

business and your products, the industry sector it is operating in, as well as the

consumer profiles. Please make sure that you reviewed all feedback given to

you, as this will enable you to improve for the following assignments. If you

have any questions or would like to discuss assignment 1 feedback, please

contact your lecturer.

For assignment 2, you will now undertake an international market analysis for

Indonesian market. You must research and discuss the market attractiveness

and challenges with regards to your firm and the industry sector the business

is operating in. In Indonesia, a range of direct and indirect competitors may

already exist, and an analysis of the most relevant competitors will provide

further insights. Finally, you need to evaluate and discuss your business’s

market readiness and make a justified recommendation on how to best enter

the market.


▪ Conduct a PESTLE analysis of the market

▪ Develop a competitor analysis (including positioning map) within the


▪ Critically discuss the market readiness of your client (including SWOT

analysis) as well as the recommended entry mode

Remember: Assignment 2 is following on from assignment 1 and will be

informing assignment 3! All assignments are built around the same business

case and the same international market!

Please note: You need to research appropriate data and resources from a

range of credible sources. This can include (but not exclusively) country and

government information, industry data and reports, reports from respectable

consultancy companies, professional media outlets, as well as academic

journals and books. The quality and relevance of the used sources is likely to

have a huge influence on the quality of your report. If in doubt, ask your


Assessment criteria

(incl. weighting)

Market analysis and critical discussion (max 50 marks):

Analyse and critically discuss the Indonesia market utilising PESTLE as an

appropriate framework for analysis.

(depth of analysis, criticality, and relevance of discussed market aspects)

S121 MKT501, Assessment 2-part 1 Page 3

Competitor analysis (max 30 marks):

Develop and critically discuss the competitive environment with regards to

the major and specific competitors (including positioning map) that operate

in Indonesia market.

(quality, depth and relevance of competitor analysis)

Market readiness and proposed mode of entry (max 10 marks):

Critically evaluate and discuss the company’s market readiness including a

SWOT analysis. Based on this as well as the market and competitive

environment, propose and justify the mode of entry.

(depth of evaluation, criticality, and justified proposed entry strategy)

Written report and referencing (max 10 marks):

Paper is written in a report style and structured to support argumentation

and readability; contains correct spelling and grammar; within the word limit.

Application of the CDU Harvard referencing style guide for in-text citation and

reference list.

(clarity of report structure, flow and readability, quality of writing, word limit,

correct format of references and reference list)

Penalties Late Submission

Late assignments will lose 5% of the available marks each day (or part thereof).


You are to identify the sources of any ideas and words in your assignment that are not yours. Unattributed materials may not be included in the consideration of your assignment and serious cases of academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Student Complaints Management Process.

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