Religion and Theology Evaluation Essay

Religion and Theology Evaluation Essay


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The student will write an Evaluative Essay discussing a chosen topic. The student will choose one of the given essay prompts to write on. The length of each paper should be 750 – 1100 words – not counting footnotes. The paper will use double spaced text, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, standard margins, and indentation. The paper must use Turabian formatting.
The paper will include both a title page and a bibliography page. The student will use citations of the sources given in the prompts. The essay should use Basic Organization (except literature topic, given in literature document): The paper will consist of an introduction, body, and conclusion.
The introduction should be one paragraph and should introduce the main argument, ending with a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement is the one sentence argument.
The body of the paper is a few paragraphs (3-4) that develop and support the argument while comparing the assigned documents. The body will also provide further analysis and Biblical evaluation. The body of the paper should provide specific examples and details from the assigned sources.
The conclusion is the final paragraph, restating the argument and summarizing the main points of the paper, drawing conclusions for the reader. The conclusion should not provide new information.

Economy and Labor

· This document contains topic prompts and sources for Evaluative Essay 1.
· Do not consult outside sources.
3000 BC- AD 476 – Evaluative Essay 1
Slavery was a common part of ancient culture, often the result of warfare and conquest. In the following documents are laws and practices in both the Hebrew community and the Greek civilization for slavery. As you read, consider the similarities and differences between these two cultures, and how slaves were a part of each economy.

Your thesis statement should answer the following question, using the three sources here, as well as New Testament Scripture, for support.
How do these practices line up with Christ’s teachings about how we are to treat others?

Hebrew Slavery
“Old Testament on slavery (ca. sixth century BCE)”

Greek Slavery
“Slaves in Greece: Ancient World”

Context for Greek slavery
“Xenophon: how to teach obedience to slaves”
Note: These required sources are available as an attachment as PDF files.

New Testament Scripture –
*May also consult Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance or other Bible Concordance.

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