Psychology ; Redefining Identity Through Assimilation

Psychology ; Redefining Identity Through Assimilation


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Psychology ; Redefining Identity Through Assimilation

Assignment: Redefining Identity Through Assimilation

In this course, you have explored how individual racial and ethnic identities develop. You discovered that racial and ethnic identities are influenced by social processes. They are also influenced by customs and language common to your culture. This week, you examined how an immigrant may redefine his identity when he moves to a new country with a culture different from his home country.

When an immigrant moves to a new country, he may or may not assimilate into the new culture. If he chooses to assimilate, he disconnects from his original culture and adopts the customs, language, and other characteristics of his adopted culture. If he does not assimilate, he stays separate from the new culture and maintains his native customs, language, and the other characteristics of his culture. The article “The Pressure to Cover” and the Asian Nation web article provide a more in-depth description of assimilation.

The choice to assimilate or not to assimilate determines whether or not an immigrant maintains his identity or redefines it. In this Assignment, non-immigrants refer to those who are native to the country to which an immigrant relocates. In the assigned readings, you will consider different points of view that relate to assimilation and redefining identity.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the article “The Pressure to Cover.” Pay particular attention to the concept of assimilation.
  • Review the “Assimilation and Ethnic Identity” article on the Asian Nation website. Focus on connections between assimilation and ethnic identity.
  • Consider one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from the perspective of an immigrant.
  • Think about one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from the perspective of a non-immigrant (i.e., citizens of a country or natives of a country).
  • Reflect on how assimilation can influence immigrants to redefine their identity.

The Assignment (3–4 pages):

  • Define assimilation in your own words.
  • Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from an immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each.
  • Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from a non-immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each. This question is asking you to detail how non-immigrants (i.e., citizens of a country or natives of a country) are affected or feel about immigrants’ assimilation.
  • Explain how the choice to assimilate or not to assimilate can influence immigrants to redefine their identity.

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