PSY 303 Social Media Influence on Teenager Self Esteem PPT

PSY 303 Social Media Influence on Teenager Self Esteem PPT


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PSY 303 Social Media Influence on Teenager Self Esteem PPT

Does social media help influence a teenagers self esteem?

Consider the question above about adolescent development. Then, identify three empirical articles that have attempted to answer the question. FOR EXAMPLE, perhaps you would like to understand whether playing Pokemon GO influences a teen’s academic achievement. You might find articles that attempted to answer that question by 1) interviewing teens who play Pokemon GO and ask them about their experiences, and their academics; 2) gathering academic achievement data on teens who play Pokemon GO and teens who do not play Pokemon GO and compare two; and 3) conducting brain scans on teens as they play Pokemon GO to determine if the results reveal brain activity that would promote academics.

Assignment Instructions:

You will examine how we can answer the same research question (Does social media help influence a teenagers self esteem?) in many different ways. Once you find three research articles that pertain to your interest, write a brief reflection including the following:

· Present your question.

· Explain how each study tried to answer the question, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each study

· Offer another suggestion or explain which approach you found the most useful and why.

Be precise. PowerPoint should be an outline of what you will discuss; the amount of words on each slide should be minimal. Also, please consider including color and images appropriate to the topic to engage your audience.

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