Project Management Homework Questions

Project Management Homework Questions


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You should write a report, informed by research and your knowledge and experience of planning the project for Assessment 1, justifying the use of a Waterfall approach for managing the specified project in the given project mandate, new University Library which would be adjacent to the existing campus

Your report should consider how your recommended methodology/approach would support the project, identifying specific features and processes of the methodology which could enable the successful outcome of the project. The report should also identify any anticipated issues with using the methodology for the project, contrasting where the other (PRINCE2 or PMBoK) methodology might offer better support.

Your analysis, and justification, must be supported by evidence, from the literature (relevant books and journal papers). You should use the following report format:

Business Report Format (see Resources below); including Summary 100-150 words a brief explanation as to you’re the report was written, details of key issues/findings/conclusions

· Introduction- sets the scene for the reader, builds on the themes with relevant facts or statistics, leads to rationale, provides an overview of how the topic is covered in the report

· Main body- presented in logical order, discussed one question at a time, all relate to the main topic of the report, suggest further steps

· Recommendations- Appropriate but not always necessary, should be based on your findings, should be relevant, realistic and supported by evidence

The report should be 1.5 line-spaced, 12point font, Times New Roman, or Arial;

Include references and a bibliography

Project Mandate

the University is seeking to improve their academic and institutional student services through the construction of a new scholarly library that will be available to students 24/7.

Whilst still offering printed material as a primary resource, the new building will also incorporate space for collaborative and group study as well as carefully arranged space for silent, individual study.

The new library is planned to be conveniently located near existing academic space and recently dedicated student residential accommodation.

Project Budget

Fixed Project Budget: £46m (million)

Students will need to determine how to allocate this budget against the different activity project stages and primary activities e.g. requirements, design, build, testing and the procurement of equipment etc.

Project Timescale

Fixed Timescale: The project must be delivered within 3-years

Al related project stages and activities must be delivered within this timescale

Project objectives and primary design requirements

· The size of the library will be 7,400m2

· 7 storeys high

· A double height entrance space to address the streetscape

· Needs to house 154,000 physical books

· 200 Laptops for loan

· 530 new PCs

· 916 study spaces

· A Café

· A study hub (for student advice and guidance)

· Silent study spaces on each of the upper 4 floors

The building should have a strong civic presence and have gravitas.

The building must be connected to the adjacent Campus Centre and Business School at first floor level – continuing and extending a network of linking bridge spaces that run throughout the campus.

The overall design should be energy efficient and highly sustainable in nature.

The project must adhere to the stated budget and time constraints.

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