Policies and Ethics in Healthcare
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Write My Essay For MeQuestions/ Policies and Ethics in Healthcare
Please reference the articles I attached for the following four questions.
Please write 1/2 page per question, 2 questions per page.
1.Provide and and give examples of how the actors below are addressing ethics in developing strategies to address your selected health behaviors and population:
health care delivery
health educators
2. 2a. Regarding obesity in Hispanic children, what ethical concerns stand out the most?
2b. How do you plan to address these ethical concerns?
National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. (2020). Health education code of ethics. http://www.nchec.org/code-of-ethics
Society for Public Health Education. (2020). Code of ethics for the health education profession. https://www.sophe.org/careerhub/ethics/
Gilchrist, A. (2016, January 15). Forecast 2016: Ethical dilemmas in health systems projected to grow. Pharmacy Times. https://www.pharmacytimes.com/publications/health-system-edition/2016/january2016/forecast-2016-ethical-dilemmas-in-health-systems-projected-to-grow
Provide a description of the evidence based practice your selected article used to address obesity in Hispanic children.
2a. Continuing to use your selected article from discussion 1, discuss two (2) limitations within the study. Hint: Did the author cite any future research? Areas needing further research?
2b. In your opinion, present at least two (2) things you as an health educator would do to address the limitations mentioned in 2a above.
Community Toolbox. (n.d.). Section 5. Developing an evaluation plan. http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/evaluate/ev…
Community Toolbox. (n.d.). Section 5. Developing an evaluation plan. http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/evaluate/ev…
* Sample Template for developing an evaluation plan
The Community Guide. (n.d). The community guide in action. https://www.thecommunityguide.org/stories
* This website provides direct links and PDF’s to tested community interventions across various US geographical environments. Please review the website to see if what you are interested has been examined or if the population that you’re interested has been examined across other health behaviors.
The NCCMT. (2016, June 14). Using evidence in public health decisions: Why it matters [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWGgAXz7vhg (4:51)
HealthyPeople.gov. (2020, October 8). Educational and community-based programs. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/educational-and-community-based-programs/ebrs
(Good site to review evidence in action in a variety of health behaviors).
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Requirements: 550 words | .doc file
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