Peer editing and justification Assignment
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The portfolio has three components. Please use clear headings/subheadings to designate all elements.
COMPONENT 1: Writing Products: Three writing products, each approx. 500 words. You may vary the word limit for each product, depending on the genre– a feature may need a few more words than a news release. Your news release can be 400 words – the news feature can be 600. As long as it all adds up to 1500. However, the minimum for any one product must not be less than 350 words. Please make sure you clearly provide the word limits used for a piece (e.g 450 words) at the end of the piece. You are required to submit three pieces of genres practiced in the tutorials. In all, you must submit three different genres. The list of genre briefs is below, and will be expanded each week. For instructions on how to divide up the word limit, see above.
Week 2: News Release. Please write ONLY to the brief provided in tutorial worksheets in week 1. There is news release brief about plans to build a new communication centre at UTS to house the School of Communication. See worksheet 2, Week 2 channel, Files tab. Sample news releases and a template for use have been uploaded to the Canvas page Lectures Week 2.
Week 3: Profile/News Feature. Please write to the brief provided in the tutorial worksheets. You may either write a profile of a classmate, or write a news feature about higher education in the COVID 19 Era. NOTE: These are two separate briefs/genres. Don’t profile your classmate’s views about COVID!
Week 4: Email appeal for a non profit – please write to the brief provided in worksheets in tutorials. See Worksheet week 4, Week 4 channel, Files tab. You may write an email appeal using any of the seven charities.
Week 5: Speech – Please write to the brief provided in worksheets in tutorials. COMPONENT 2 : JUSTIFICATION This is the ‘planning sheet’ where you unpack the strategy behind your writing. You must expand on the following elements. The justification section (approx. 600 words) can makes use of tables/graphics to support organisation of material (a concisely written planning sheet). You can write the justifiction as one big section – or break it up as three mini sections at the end of each piece. Both are acceptable.
a). Analysis of Key Publics: Who will read this?
b) Core Message/Narrative: What is the key message here?
c) Target Publication/Platform: Why is that publication the best for that message and those publics?
d) Genre: Your chosen genre, and a brief explanation of how you have met its requirements.
e)Tone of message: (factual, light hearted, positive, negative)
f) Readability Level
See Smith 2017 for samples of planning sheets, and ideas about how to write these concisely. You may input these elements into a concisely written and clearly designed table/graphic (images are exempt from word limit, but makes sure the table is concisely written).
As noted before, if you wish, you can split the justification section up and provide a short justifciation following each entry. That format would also be acceptable.
Finally, explicate your links to theory. You may write this bit separately, and/or integrate references to it in the planning sheet.
There is a sign-up sheet in the General Tab of your Team, so that you may pick an Editing Study group. You will have to exchange and edit two different genre pieces (say, speech and news release) with two different people in that list, by the end of week 5. These will be submitted to Canvas in a link that will be made live next week. Failure to submit means your A1 will not be marked.
Your peer editing partner must provide you with a piece that is min 350 words. It’s just a draft of what they have done. Does not need to be the full product.
Editing pieces are NOT included in the word limit for the portfolio as a whole.
It is YOUR editing work – what YOU will edit for someone else. We want to see how you edit. Your partner will provide a minimum of 350 words for you to edit.
There is no word limit for what you can write in comments (just be sensible about saying what is needed).
We recommend you use track changes to edit another document, so we can see all the changes you recommended. If you add any text within the piece, highlight it in red font, so we know you added it. If using Office, go to Review tab, enable track change. You can also do that for Word in Mac, or you may use Google Docs.
The pieces should be included in the appendix for A1. For ease, if the document does not paste correctly into your appendix – save your edited file as a pdf with all changes preserved, and upload it as a separate submission alongside the portfolio file for A1.
What kind of things should you edit? Edit for spelling, grammar, punctuation, concision, verbal choices. We will also evaluate how you recommend structural changes – signposting, paragraphing (less, more, or re-seqeunced), sentence length and sequence. You may also suggest improvements along the lines of theme, angle, genre requirements, headline, etc.
Remember, it’s not necessarily about how many comments you make. It’s about the quality/usefulness of what you suggest.
People who received the edited versions should remember that these are simply suggestions – you may choose to incorporate only a few. The point of the exercise is simply to teach you how to edit, to self- reflect on your own work, and to allow a second pair of eyes to provide a new perspective. If you change your mind about including that piece in your final portfolio (say, a speech instead of a news release) that is fine too.
You can choose to add these same pieces to your portfolio, after you have edited and refined them. If you decide to write an entirely new piece not edited by a peer, that is fine as well.
Requirements: 1200 words | .doc file
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