PCN 525 Vocational Autobiography Presentation

PCN 525 Vocational Autobiography Presentation


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Order ID 53563633773
Type Essay
Writer Level Masters
Style APA
Sources/References 4
Perfect Number of Pages to Order 5-10 Pages
Description/Paper Instructions
PCN 525 Vocational Autobiography Presentation

Create a dynamic 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation reviewing your own vocational journey and development, such as a career timeline. As part of this assignment, include a detailed growth plan for your career trajectory through graduate school and into your future career. Because it is important to know where you came from in order to guide where you are going, be sure to include the following in your presentation:

  1. History      of  your vocational experience history
  2. Your      future career plans
  3. What      assessment tools helped you determine the viability of this path?
  4. How      does your own cultural background and experience influence your plans?
  5. Which      theories and models do you prefer to integrate into your own style of      counseling?
  6. How      does your personal history influence your preferences?
  7. Construct      a plan for helping clients assess and set their future career goals.

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