Patient Safety Homework Assignment

Patient Safety Homework Assignment


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Running Head: PATIENT SAFETY 1


The Institute of Medicine’s report of “To Err is Human”, set the tone for change in health information technology in healthcare organizations based on an their “estimate of as many as 98,000 people dying in any given year from medical errors that occur in hospitals” (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, 2000). Due to the amount of medical errors that occur year after year, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) began to change the trajectory by establishing the issues according to the rate of casualties and how they could have been prevented if there would have been electronic safety checks through the implementation of health information technology within healthcare organizations.

“The Quality of Health Care in America Committee of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that it is not acceptable for patients to be harmed by the health care system that is supposed to offer healing and comfort—a system that promises “First, do no harm.”” (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, 2000).

In 1999, the committee laid out a comprehensive strategy by which government, health care providers, industry, and consumers can reduce preventable medical errors, and set a minimum goal of 50 percent reduction in errors over the next five years. The IOM found errors in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, preventive and other areas.

The Institute of Medicine’s strategy for improvement was set up in a four-tiered approach which compromised of the following:

· “Establishing a national focus to create leadership, research, tools, and protocols to enhance the knowledge base about safety.”

· “Identifying and learning from errors by developing a nationwide public mandatory reporting system and by encouraging health care organizations and practitioners to develop and participate in voluntary reporting systems.”

· “Raising performance standards and expectations for improvements in safety through the actions of oversight organizations, professional groups, and group purchasers of health care.”

· “Implementing safety systems in health care organizations to ensure safe practices at the delivery level.”

(Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, 2000)

Progress was then seen rapidly emerging from The Institute of Medicine’s action plan. There was development and testing in new medical technologies, large-scale demonstration projects were taking place to test safety, there was an immense amount of support from multidisciplinary trams and health-care facilities and organizations who were providing valuable information in regards to determining medical errors and the ongoing development of new knowledge. Overall, the implementation of “To Err is Human”, called for quality and safety improvements in healthcare.


Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America; Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, editors. To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2000. Available from: doi: 10.17226/9728

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