New Zealand Healthcare Paper

New Zealand Healthcare Paper


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The assigned country is New Zealand and the WHO region is Western Pacific.

Each student is to write an 8-12 page paper (including cover page and reference page). The paper must be in 7th ed. APA format. Paper content must include:

The name of the country being reported on, the region, and other countries within the region
The demographic makeup of the country (i.e. age, race, sex, religion, economic status, education availability)
Discussion of the vulnerable populations of the country, and the social justice system ways of eliminating the health disparities of the country
What population group has the best health indicators? Why?
What population group has the worst health indicators? Why?
The health goals of the country
Are these similar or different for that of the WHO region in which the country is located?
The leading cause of death in your country across the lifespan
Three of the most important health indicators for the selected country
How is this similar or different from that of your assigned region?
The health care priorities of the country
How is this similar or different from that of your assigned region?
How human rights in the country are decided
Description of the climate of the country
Discussion of the impact of the environment on the health of the population
How the health care system organized in the country
List of critical health concerns of women and children in the country
What measures are in place to improve them?
Description of the prevalence of the infectious and non-infectious diseases in the country
One significant natural disaster or humanitarian crisis that has occurred in the country in the past 10 years.
What impact does this have on the current day?
Identity of the sources of information used (A citation for all sources of information in APA 7th edition)

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