Nature Versus Nurture, Outline Example



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The particular aspects of nature versus nurture are concerned with the human behavior or characteristics that are either acquired (i.e. learned) or inherited (i.e. genetic). The individualities and differences that are not noticeable at birth, but which transpire later in life, are considered as the product of evolution in terms of physical and mental development. The debate on nature versus nurture has been a frequent area of discussion for years aimed at resolving heritable traits. This paper aims to establish how personality traits can be attributed psychology and genetic bases of personality.

Personality Traits

Personality is a regularly cited example when it comes to the topic of trait inheritability. Discussing this topic in terms of the environment (nature) versus genetically inherited traits (nurture) tries to explain how both these aspects affect personality of an individual by adulthood (Buss, 2014).

Thesis: Personality traits can be determined through observing shared family environment and heritable qualities of a particular individual.

Nature versus Nurture

Nature versus nurture is a foundational topic in psychology that has been studied for decades. Nature or the environment (nurture) in which a child grows up and develops can be used as the basis of personality, unless the family has adopted siblings. Family life for an adopted sibling can have less effect on their personality by adulthood (Buss & Plomin, 2014).

The Unconscious

This topic makes an essential basis for discussing the effect of the mind processes that depict preset personality traits for any individual. The unconscious can be referred to as the artificial lake of all the thoughts one experiences. The automatic skills are the basis explaining how one reacts to situations.

View of Self  

An individual’s view plays an important role in defining their personality. Different people have different views on the environment in which they live. For instance, biological siblings tend to be more similar in personality than adoptive siblings (Coll, Bearer & Lerner, 2014).


Personality is inheritable to a particular extent. Most studies related to adoption can show the varied development in personalities (Vernon, 2014). The studies indicate that by maturity the traits of adopted siblings tend to be a little or no more similar to that of random pairs of strangers.


Discovering how motivation works in relation to an individual’s personality is vital to behavioral psychology study. Ambition is one key aspect that can be used examine personality. Inspiration is what gives one the drive to behave in a certain way aimed achieving an objective (Csikszentmihalyi & Wong, 2014).


Maturation or adulthood is essential for defining an individual’s personality. Comprehending the different stages of childhood development all the way up to adulthood is imperative in behavioral studies. Environmental effects tend to be less apparent in the adulthood stages of development.

Biblical Integration

The bible clearly acknowledges that each and every person has a different personality. It mentions how humankind was invented in the own image of God. This helps in explaining how our different personalities are a reflection of God’s character endowed upon us.


The topic of nature versus nurture in relation to the issue of personality traits expressively discusses the how humans acquire their traits. The factors of nature versus nurture have been established and found to contribute substantially in different ways to human development. These components often help to explain the sources of human inherited behavioral traits.


Buss, A. H. (2014). Social Behavior and Personality (Psychology Revivals). Routledge.

Buss, A. H., & Plomin, R. (2014). Temperament (PLE: Emotion): Early Developing Personality Traits. Psychology Press.

Coll, C. G., Bearer, E. L., & Lerner, R. M. (Eds.). (2014). Nature and nurture: The complex interplay of genetic and environmental influences on human behavior and development. Psychology Press.

Galton, F. (2012). The history of twins, as a criterion of the relative powers of nature and nurture. International journal of epidemiology41(4), 905-911.

Loftus, D. (2014). Nature vs. Nurture. A Common Thread2(1), 10.

Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Wong, M. M. H. (2014). Motivation and academic achievement: The effects of personality traits and the quality of experience. In Applications of Flow in Human Development and Education (pp. 437-465). Springer Netherlands.

Vernon, P. E. (2014). Personality Assessment (Psychology Revivals): A Critical Survey. Routledge.

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