Marketing And Audience Analytics Assignment

Marketing And Audience Analytics Assignment


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AMB201 Marketing & Audience Analytics

Qualitative Project Guide (Project 1)

Purpose: This project provides a comprehensive qualitative research experience. You will experience the participant perspective, researcher perspective, and develop skills in the communication of research. The project is intended to support the development of well-rounded researchers and informed consumers of research.

Key Dates: Week 2: Monday, 2 August (start date) Qualitative research studies on SONA system available for participation from this date until report submission (Part 1)

Week 4: Friday 11.59pm, 20 August (deadline) Conduct interviews and upload transcripts to class Discussion Board by deadline (Part 2)

Week 5: Friday 11.59pm, 27 August (deadline) Submit signed consent forms via Blackboard link by deadline (Part 2)

Week 6: Friday 11.59pm, 3 September (deadline) Submit Qualitative Project Report via Turnitin on Blackboard by deadline (Part 3)

Length: Report should not exceed 2000 words (+/-10%, excludes appendices and reflections)

Weighting: 50% of grade

Qualitative Project Overview: The qualitative project is composed of three parts. Part 1 and Part 2 are designed as short practical experiences. Part 3 allows you to develop skills in communicating research. Each part is outlined below. Step-by-step instructions are provided on the next page.

Part 1 – Participant Perspective (short practical experience) You have the opportunity to take part in two short qualitative research studies running in the business school and to reflect on the experience of being a participant. A variety of studies are available (most take about 20- 30 mins). This practical experience can be used to inform how you conduct your own research (Part 2). Your reflection is to be included in your written report (Part 3). A non-participation alternative is also available.

Part 2 – Researcher Perspective (short practical experience) As a researcher, you will conduct two depth interviews on a class research topic (about 30 mins each). Your own experience as a research participant (Part 1) may be helpful to draw on when you conduct your interviews. Transcribe your interviews and upload them to the class database. Transcripts will be made available to the class and used as the basis for your research report (Part 3).

Part 3 – Communication of Research (analysis and write-up) In this part of the project you will produce a written report that includes your reflection (from Part 1), and an analysis of interviews conducted by the class (Part 2). In your analysis you will draw out themes from the interviews on the topic of your choice. Your report will involve you communicating insights in both written form and visual form (e.g., infographic), thus helping you to develop useful skills in communicating research. Guidance on all aspects of the analysis and report will be provided in tutorials.


Step-by-Step Instructions Tip: Work through the steps below systematically and check-off as you go.

Part 1 – Participant Perspective (short practical experience) a) Log-in to the SONA research participation system ( using the

log-in details emailed to you in Week 1. Read through the details of available studies to see what interests you. Sessions run at a variety of times, and some are doable online. Most take about 20-30 minutes.

b) Register and take part in two studies. It can be a valuable learning experience to choose a study-type you have not previously experienced, however the choice is yours.

c) Reflect on the experience of being a research participant in your two chosen studies. Write up a brief reflection using the guide on Blackboard. You will submit your reflection with your final report.

Note: If you are unable or unwilling to participate in research, a comparable alternative can be requested. This will involve reading, and undertaking a critical review of an approved qualitative research article from an academic journal, and writing a reflection based on that. Please contact the unit coordinator by the end of Week 3 if this applies to you.

Part 2 – Researcher Perspective (short practical experience) a) Choose a research topic. Conduct two interviews on this topic with appropriate respondents (about 30

minutes each). You should use the interview questions provided on Blackboard, and also supplement these with your own questions to gain additional insight. It can be useful to record your interviews to assist with transcribing. Ensure your respondents sign the consent form and return to you.

b) Transcribe the interviews, including any relevant details (e.g., non-verbals).

c) Upload your transcripts to the Blackboard Discussion Board by the given deadline.

d) Submit scans or photos of your signed interview consent forms via the link on Blackboard, taking care to follow the submission instructions. Consent forms need to be stored by QUT for a period of 15 years under Qld legislation, so it is critical that you submit these as required.

Part 3 – Communication of Research (written report) a) Once transcripts have been uploaded, read through a few on your chosen topic to get a feel for the

types of responses people have given.

b) Code and analyse six transcripts on your topic (your two transcripts, plus four others of your choice) using the methodology discussed in class.

c) Write your report using the structure discussed in class (see also Blackboard). Please use APA formatting (see QUT Cite|Write website:

d) Include an appendix to your report showing the six fully coded transcripts used for your analysis. Tutors will use this confirm your analysis.

e) Submit an electronic copy of your report (including appendix with coded transcripts) via Turnitin on Blackboard by the indicated deadline.

Penalties: Good research requires a systematic approach and attention to detail. Please ensure you attend to all steps listed above. A penalty of 20% of the total available mark applies to any student who does not upload two transcripts, does not submit two signed consent forms as required, or does not include an appendix of six fully coded transcripts as part of their submitted assignment. For example, this assignment is marked out of 100, so 20 marks will be deducted if any of the above penalties apply. An assignment with an initial mark of 65 would be reduced to 45.

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