Management And Leadership Discussion Assignment

Management And Leadership Discussion Assignment


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As an MBA and leader, you must be able to present your management plans

and leadership strategies to inform stakeholders and gain buy-in. For this

assignment, you’ll practice this by developing a proposal for a professional

development training program. The program centers on motivational strategies

and how an emotional intelligence management approach would benefit

department managers.


Continue with the same organization you selected in Assignment 1 (Well Fargo). Imagine

that the CEO has charged you, the task force leader, with researching emotional

intelligence (EI) in order to propose a professional development program.

Your proposal should detail how a new incentive program, based on an EI man-

agement approach, will foster teamwork, strengthen interpersonal relationships,

enhance communication, and increase overall performance. You need to help

the CEO gain approval for this initiative. Your program’s proposal must include

supporting research concerning how motivational strategies enhance job satis-

faction and team output.


Prepare for this assignment by identifying the resources you’ll use to create

your proposal. You will need to provide at least two quality resources such as

the course textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC, Bloomberg,

etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, and/or outside sources.


Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources

Create a proposal (five to seven pages recommended) that includes the

following components:

1.EI and Motivation

Which of the EI building blocks would impact management’s ability to

enhance employee performance and job satisfaction? Based on your

research on motivational theory, describe how your task force would

utilize positive or negative reinforcement to influence the members of

the organization and resolve the issue. Provide examples to

support your solution.

2.EI and Social Skills and Decision Making

Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would

enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy

of the management team.

3.Effective Teams

Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies

you would implement to develop team dynamics that will benefit

the organization.

4.Reward Systems

Create an effective reward system for this organization. Determine the

strategies you would incorporate to motivate your employees

and influence behavior.

5.Executive Summary

Prepare a one-page executive summary that you will present to the

CEO in an upcoming executive meeting.


An executive summary

is a condensed version of your full report. It should summarize briefly

all the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly

and should use language appropriate for the audience.


Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements:

Be typed (five to seven pages recommended, excluding cover and

reference pages), double-spaced, using Times New Roman font

(size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides

1. Include a References List

2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the

student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date

3. Include in-text citations following APA style, using attributive tags

and signal verbs

4. Cite at least two credible sources

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