Leadership Communication And Influence Assignment

Leadership Communication And Influence Assignment


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A conflict occurred during Phase III of Intuit, Inc.’s cloud-based applications project. The Systems Administrator submitted her two weeks’ notice and will be leaving the company. Her part of the project will need to be assigned to someone else until the position is filled.

As project manager, you must determine the changes that need to be made to the project and communicate those changes with c-suite level managers.

Review your flowchart from last week to determine how the Systems Administrator’s departure affects the project and what changes need to be made as a result.

Select an appropriate communication channel, such as a short video, audio recording, presentation, or email to deliver each of the following two messages (you may choose a different communication channel for each message):

First, create a message of change to the c-suite level managers and include the following information in your communication:
An analysis of how this change presents a challenge to the project
A description of the changes happening to the project
An outline of the leadership, influence, and power techniques you plan to utilize to help the project be successful and manage the change within the project
Second, create a message of change to the entire project team in which you utilize leadership, influence, or power techniques to help the project through this challenge. You should include the following information in your communication:
An analysis of how this change presents a challenge to the project
A description of the changes happening to the project
Third, in addition to your messages of change, provide a 1-2 page summary in which you:
Articulate why your chosen communication channels are appropriate for each message and if additional communications are needed.
Explain how the project manager’s actions of communicating these changes will influence the rest of the project team.
Describe how this communication is a display of leadership for this project and why leadership is important at this point of the project and in change management, in general.
Discuss which techniques you used and why you chose those specific techniques. Include how you hope the techniques will create influence in the organization and how that influence can help this project be successful.
Submit your message of change and summary.

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