Label Assignments And Assignment Directions

Label Assignments And Assignment Directions


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Label Assignment
Please access the What’s On The Nutrition Facts Label which will explain the label. The label should be used to answer the questions for the label assignment.

Please download the Label Assignment File, answer the questions, save the file and upload as a submission. If you would rather you can use the text entry box to submit your answers.

1) Submitted on time (5 points)

2) Identify the serving size on the label (1/2 point) _________

3) Calculate the calories of the food product per serving using the following formulas. How much CHO (Carbohydrate), Pro (Protein) and Fat is listed in a serving? (6 points)

a) CHO (Carbohydrate) grams _____x 4 Kcal/gram = ______ calories from carbohydrate.

b) Pro (Protein) grams ______x 4 Kcal/gram = _______calories from protein.

c) Fat grams ______x 9 Kcal/gram = ________Calories from fat.

4) Total calories for this portion size =_________(add the calories from each substrate –carbohydrate, protein, fat from question 2 above). (1/2 point)

5) How do your calculations compare to the label? (compare your answer from question 3 to the label). If there is a difference, what might contribute to the difference? (1/2 point) _____________________________________________________________________________

6) Calculate the percentage of total calories from each nutrient. (6 points)

a) Enter the calories from carbohydrate (question 3) _______ divided by _______total calories (from question 4), multiply by 100=_____% calories from carbohydrate.

b) Enter the calories from protein (question 3) _______ divided by _______total calories (from question 4), multiply by 100=_____% calories from carbohydrate.

c) Enter the calories from fat (question 3) _______ divided by _______total calories (from question 4), multiply by 100=_____% calories from carbohydrate.

d) Check your calculations: ____% carb Kcal + _____% fat Kcal + ____% protein Kcal =_______% (If correct, the percents should add up to 100% (plus or minus 1-2%)

7) Look at the ingredient list. Which food listed is in the highest amount? (1/2 point) ___________

8) Define the following terms based on the nutrition definition. Do any of them apply to this product? If so, which ones and how did you determine that. (2.5 points)

a) Whole _______________________________________________________________

b) Fortified ______________________________________________________________

c) Enriched ______________________________________________________________

d) Processed ____________________________________________________________

e) Phytochemical _________________________________________________________

9) Is there a whole food named in the Ingredient List? Yes / No. If yes, what is it?_____ (1/2 point)

10) The Daily Value Percentage is based on what caloric level? (1/2 point) __________________

11) Would you recommend this product? Give your reasons for your answer. (2.5 points)

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