Expression Of Emotions Discussion Assignment

Expression Of Emotions Discussion Assignment


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Assignment 1: Discussion—Expression of Emotions

The psychology of gender can be significantly influenced by interpersonal interactions and environment. You often learn to communicate emotionally from the people around you and the expected social norms in your community.

In this assignment, you will explore your own emotional development and how it has supported your gender expression. You will also learn how expression of emotions has an impact on relationships.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research emotional development and gender expression.

Respond to the following:

Explain how the expression of emotion has affected your ability to have successful personal and professional relationships.
Describe what or who has influenced your ability to express emotions successfully.
Describe in which areas of your life you have struggled to communicate emotion. Describe what or who has contributed to the development of these challenges.
Be sure to provide personal examples and experiences along with research in support of your responses.

Write your initial response in 300–400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Assignment 1: Discussion—Expression of Emotions

The psychology of gender can be significantly influenced by interpersonal interactions and environment. You often learn to communicate emotionally from the people around you and the expected social norms in your community.

In this assignment, you will explore your own emotional development and how it has supported your gender expression. You will also learn how expression of emotions has an impact on relationships.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research emotional development and gender expression.

Respond to the following:

Explain how the expression of emotion has affected your ability to have successful personal and professional relationships.
Describe what or who has influenced your ability to express emotions successfully.
Describe in which areas of your life you have struggled to communicate emotion. Describe what or who has contributed to the development of these challenges.
Be sure to provide personal examples and experiences along with research in support of your responses.

Write your initial response in 300–400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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