ET332 Home Work Is In Description

ET332 Home Work Is In Description


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The purpose of this lab is to gain familiarity with using Multisim to construct and simulate the noninverting op amp, inverting op amp, adder, and differential amplifier circuits presented in the module. The effect of external biasing resistors will be demonstrated and calculations of output voltage performed in the homework will be confirmed. This lab will set the stage for the concept of confirming calculations with simulation software for the remainder of the course.

Watch videoWeek 1 – Op-Amp Introduction.
Design the Op-Amp configurations from the W1 Assignment “Op-Amp Introduction” in Multisim.
For Non-Inverting Op-Amp:
Analyze the non-inverting Op-Amp circuit to calculate the voltage gain Vout/Vin.
Design a non-inverting Op-Amp with 5% resistor tolerances for RF and RG in Multisim.
Run the simulation to measure the voltage gain Vout/Vin of the amplifier.
Complete the table below:
Non-Inverting Amplifier
Vin / Freq RF RG Calculated Voltage gain = Vout/Vin Measured Voltage gain = Vout/Vin
4 Vrms / 1KHz 1KΩ 1KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 1KΩ 5KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 5KΩ 1KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 5KΩ 5KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 5KΩ 10KΩ
Answer the following questions:
Does the measured values match the calculated values? If not, explain why they are different?
From your measurements, explain how increase in RG affects the voltage gain? Also, explain how increase in RF affects the voltage gain?
What is the effect of resistor tolerance the voltage gain?
For Inverting Op-Amp:
Analyze the Inverting Op-Amp circuit to calculate the voltage gain Vout/Vin.
Design an inverting Op-Amp with 5% resistor tolerances for RF and RG in Multisim.
Run the simulation to measure the voltage gain Vout/Vin of the amplifier.
Complete the table below:
Inverting Amplifier
Vin / Freq RF RG Calculated Voltage gain = Vout/Vin Measured Voltage gain = Vout/Vin
4 Vrms / 1KHz 1KΩ 1KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 1KΩ 5KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 5KΩ 1KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 5KΩ 5KΩ
4 Vrms / 1KHz 5KΩ 10KΩ

Answer the following questions:
Does the measured values match the calculated values? If not, explain why they are different?
From your measurements, explain how increase in RG affects the voltage gain? Also, explain how increase in RF affects the voltage gain?
What is the effect of resistor tolerance the voltage gain?
For Op-Amp Adder:
Analyze the Op-Amp Adder circuit with R1 = 2 KΩ, R2 = 2 KΩ, R3 = 2KΩ and Rf = 5 KΩ to calculate the output voltage Vout.
Design an Op-Amp Adder with 5% resistor tolerances for R1, R2, R3 and Rf in Multisim.
Run the simulation to measure the output voltage Vout. (Voltage at the output terminal of the amplifier)
Complete the table below:
Op-Amp Adder
V1 V2 V3 Calculated Voltage, Vout Measured Voltage, Vout
5 4 2
4 3 1
3 3 3
2 2 2
For each of the above Op-Amps, answer the following questions:
Does the measured values match the calculated values? If not, explain why they are different?
Write the expression for Vout of an Op-Amp Adder.
From your measurements, explain how input voltages V1, V2 and V3 affect the output voltage?
What is the effect of resistor tolerance the output voltage?
For Differential Op-Amp:
Analyze the Differential Op-Amp circuit with R1 = 2 KΩ, R2 = 2 KΩ, R3 = 2KΩ and R4 = 5 KΩ to calculate the output voltage Vout.
Design a Differential Op-Amp circuit with 5% resistor tolerances for R1, R2, R3 and R4 in Multisim.
Run the simulation to measure the output voltage of the amplifier.
Complete the table below:
Differential Op-Amp Adder
V1 V2 Calculated Voltage, Vout Measured Voltage, Vout
5 4
4 3
3 3
2 2
Create a new word document called “Lab1_StudentID.docx” with your GID substituted into the file name.
Verify all calculations from analysis and measurements from simulations from steps 3, 4, 5 and 6. Save the results along with the tables and paste the screen captures in the word document. Make sure to answer the questions in each step.

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