Early Development Case Intervention Analysis

Early Development Case Intervention Analysis


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Step one completed:Create and analyze a 1–2-page simulated case study of an infant or toddler with developmental challenges and who shows evidence of factors that affect development.
My Case Study: 12 month old Mary

Early Development Case Intervention Analysis: Case Study of Mary

Mary is a 12-month-old female who currently resides in New Orleans, Louisiana. Mary’s parents, Isabell and David, stated that she has always been a happy and active child. Mary is a part of a huge family that loves to have family gatherings whenever they get free time. Mary is the youngest female child of the family, so she has always been the center of attention. Mary is said to have always enjoyed her family by laughing, crawling, clapping, and babbling along with everyone.

Lately, Mary has been showing signs of decreased behavior. Her parents’ notices that she is starting to become very demanding and lazy. If Mary wants a toy, she will throw a fit until her parents physically bring it to her. Mary was crawling, but now she just sits up and begs. At Mary’s age of 12 months, she should be trying to walk. Mary’s parents have provided her with the necessary items that should help her to stand, but she basically will not. When prompt to stand on her own, Mary just cries and sits back down. The older Mary gets, she not only wants her parent to carry her, but also to feed her as well. It seemed not too long ago that Mary was an active child, but now she just seems different. Most children around her age are active throughout the entire day. It’s very odd that Mary doesn’t want to feed herself when she’s presented with snacks such as soft puffs, or bananas which are her favorite. Mary’s parents are concerned that their daughter may have a lack of gross motor skills and are showing signs of autism. It also seems as if she is showing signs of attachment.

According to (McLeod, 2017), attachment is defined as a deep and emotional connection that bonds individuals together over time and it’s not always reciprocal. Attachment comes in many forms. For example, one person may have an attachment to another person which is not shared. In an infant’s case, attachment is categorized by detailed behaviors in children, such as seeking proximity to the attachment figure when upset or threatened (Bowlby, 1969).

Psychologist John Bowlby created the theory of attachment in developmental psychology. Attachment theory is a concept in developmental psychology that concerns the importance of attachment regarding personal growth. The attachment theory makes the claim that the ability for an individual to form an emotional and physical attachment to another person gives a sense of stability and security necessary to take risks, branch out, and grow and develop as a personality. Bowlby’s studies of childhood progression and nature prompted him to conclude that a solid attachment to the caregiver gives a feeling of safety and foundation. Bowlby has created four basic characteristics that describe what attachment is. The characteristics of the attachment theory are proving a haven, a secure base, proximity maintenance and separation distress (Bowlby & Ainsworth, 2015).

Present Challenges and Primary Issues

The attachment behavioral system is developed through the infancy of an individual. Bowlby’s definition of attachment is defined as a strong nature to seek proximity to and contact with a specific figure and to do so in certain situations, particularly when scared, tired or ill (Zeanah et al., 2011). Young children don’t have the capacity to convey what they need to their caregivers, so they often interact through their behavior. Attachment behavioral systems are the ways people explore and try to be close to people that make them feel safe (Zeanah et al, 2011). There are several ways infants display attachment behavior.

Step 2: create a 5–7-page intervention plan based on evidence-based strategies that have proven effective in similar cases and make projections for possible long-term impacts of the child’s current challenges.
Requirements: Complete the following:

Research evidence-based interventions that have been effective in meeting the challenges of the infant or toddler you described in your case study, from the perspective of your own professional specialization (as far as possible).
Explain how the deficits in developmental domains or environmental contexts impacted functioning.
State the recommended interventions that align with your specialization.
Include evidence for those outcomes from the professional literature.
Explore briefly the literature on adult attachment issues, considering that early influences can impact development across the lifespan.
Explain, from the perspective of your specialization, how the attachment style of the infant or toddler could be manifested as an adult.
Explain how this might help in understanding and determining an approach to working with an adult with attachment-related issues.
Structure of the Report
Use the following format to structure your report:

Title page.
A descriptive title of 5–15 words that concisely communicates the purpose of your report and includes the name of the fictional subject. Be sure to follow Capella’s suggested format for title pages on course papers.
An overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary (approximately half a page) of the background information regarding the case study. (The complete 1–2-page case you developed will be included as an appendix.)
Body of the report.
The presenting challenges and primary issues.
An analysis of how lifespan development theory and research may account for the presenting challenges.
An assessment of the potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.
Suggestions of evidence-based intervention strategies that have proven effective in similar cases, supported by citations of research and any applicable theories.
Projections, based on research and/or theory, of possible long-term impacts that the current challenges may produce across the individual’s lifespan.
A summary of what was introduced in the body of the paper with respect to the case study context, challenges, and interventions.
Reference page.
A minimum of five scholarly sources from current peer-reviewed journals, formatted in current APA style.
The simulated case study you created in Part 1.

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