Challenges To Recovery Explanatory Style

Challenges To Recovery Explanatory Style


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Read the following instructions carefully and address the tasks described (12 points):

3.1a) Conduct a literature search and select one article from a PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL that studies the effect of explanatory style on health (tip: log into the NYMC Health Sciences Library webpage; click on “ask a librarian” in the upper right for help if you are not familiar with their services: you will have access to subscriptions of peer reviewed journals held by the college).

The article should make some assessment of participants’ explanatory style and imply a connection to a health outcome. Read the article and

1st paragraph: describe your understanding of explanatory style

2nd paragraph: summarize key findings of the article you chose

3rd paragraph: critique the conclusions and any implications the article makes with identified explanatory styles and observed health outcomes. Present your critique with an objective and scientific point of view.

4th paragraph: share your personal thoughts on the article and your opinion of the relevance of explanatory style in understanding stress and health

You may use the textbook chapter 5 and any additional resources from PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS on PubMed you choose.

There is no limit to how many sources you may use in your assignment. Include a list of references cited following APA Style. Remember, when conducting a literature search: log into the NYMC Health Sciences Library webpage; you will have access to subscriptions of peer reviewed journals held by the college. Click on “ask a librarian” in the upper right for help if you are not familiar with their services.

Requirements: 30 | .doc file

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