Casablanca & World War II Films Questions Discussion

Casablanca & World War II Films Questions Discussion

I need assistance in assuring I have the correct assessment of the film. here we will be performing a diagnosis of the film calablanca and World War II. All information needed is down below. Thank you.


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Discussion- Casablanca and World War II

In July 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of War Information (OWI) whose purpose was to communicate to the general public, through print, radio, and film, what the war effort was all about and to bolster American support for the common Allied cause. As part of the OWI, the Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP) worked directly with the film industry regarding the representation of patriotism, tolerance, duty, and sacrifice in film. The BMP’s handbook for film scripts was sent to all studio bosses, directors, writers, and producers. It contained a vision and guidelines for the film world’s contribution to the war effort through entertainment. The BMP also reviewed Hollywood films to determine if they promoted an appropriate message- generally one of patriotism and sacrifice. While the OWI didn’t have directly ban films, it could throw up obstacles to overseas distribution and cut into Hollywood profits if studios didn’t cooperate with their objectives. The OWI ceased to operate at the end of the war, in 1945. (source: (Links to an external site.) )

Here again are the highlights of the OWI review of Casablanca as seen in the lecture:

1. The film presents an excellent picture of the spirit of the Underground movement.

2. Some of the chaos and misery brought by fascism are graphically illustrated.

3. It shows that personal desires must be subordinated to the task of defeating fascism.

4. It is brought out that many French are by no means cooperating whole-heartedly with the Nazis.

5. America is shown as the haven of the oppressed and homeless.

6. The film presents a good portrayal of the Nazis. (This doesn’t mean the Nazis are good guys. It means the film does a good job of showing the true evil nature of the Nazis)

* Select two of these and with specific detail (description of visual and/or quote from dialogue) from the film, provide examples of how the film accomplishes these points. If you can’t remember an exact quote, and I don’t expect you to, an approximate paraphrase is fine. 3-4 time stamps are required.

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