Advanced practice nurse leader Scenario

Advanced practice nurse leader Scenario


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Put yourself in the role of an advanced practice nurse leader working at a community health clinic in a rural setting. Two of the nurses assigned to home health visits have recently left the practice, resulting in an understaffed clinic office. As the advanced practice nurse leader in this office, it is your responsibility to ensure that patient care is not compromised during this staff shortage. As you answer the discussion questions for this week, select a rural setting in your state. Answer the questions as though you are working at the location you identify.

Discussion Questions

1. Briefly describe the rural area you have selected. Considering the scenario, identify negative outcomes related to quality of care and patient safety that could occur. What are the first three facets of this problem that you will need to address? Provide rationale for your decision.

2. Based on your findings from question one, consider the resources available to your selected area, including at the state and national level, and formulate potential solutions. Discuss two solutions that you feel would address the facets of the problem. Consider cost, feasibility, policy compliance, and other resources, including staff availability, specific to the rural area you have identified. Provide rationale for your decision.

3. Evaluate the potential impact of your proposed solutions on this healthcare setting. What leadership principles are necessary to create a positive outcome for change? Provide rationale for your decision.


Application of course knowledge

20 pts


The initial post thoughtfully considers and responds to the discussion questions using well documented, sound logic, and is clearly and succinctly written. The post fosters ongoing dialog in a professional and scholarly manner.

Scholarly Synthesis and Referencing

20 pts


Initial post is supported by evidence from scholarly sources. The initial post is approximately 200-300 words in length and includes relevant citations from the course readings and/or professional literature. In-text citations and full references are utilized.

Clarity, Relevance, and Organization

20 pts


All discussion posts are relevant to the topic and are presented logically and clearly. This includes initial posts and posts to peers. Direct course applications and synthesis of scholarly information is easily discernable.

Grammar, Syntax, APA Point deductions

5 pts


Postings contain no grammatical or typographical errors. Citations in the post adhere to APA format as well as references noted at the end of the post (one to two errors). (Example: excluding double-spacing and indentation of the second and subsequent lines within the reference). No more than 25% of your paper should be direct quotes.

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