4 page paper on Social Loafing

Develop a 4 page paper on Social Loafing. Describe it. Have you ever been on a team and experienced social loafing? As a team leader, what is the best thing you can do to address social loafing? Use at least 2 academic sources. With proper References and APA Citations


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Bystander Training: From Bystander to Upstander (41 minutes)

By: Catherine Mattice Zundel

Become an upstander and change the trajectory of your organization’s culture. Learn specific, actionable tools to stand up to harassment and bullying occur in your workplace.



Answer 3 questions: 

  1. Provide at least three points made by the presenters that were new for you or especially resonated with you this week.
  2. How will this information inform the way you conduct your job search?
  3. Provide at least two questions you could ask during an informational interview to learn more about an organization’s commitment to DEI based on the information you learned this week. 

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