Synopsis: On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history… but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.


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Instruction: Watch this 2011 Oscar’s Best Writing for Adapted Screenplay feature movie on social media.

The movie The Social Network (2010)

Reflect on how the movie portrays Facebook and related characters. Discuss the following questions:

  1. What is the role of venture capital investor(s) in FB’s development? Please record any names of characters that you see from the movie who have made investment contributions to FB.
  2. Go to CrunchBase page on Facebook: and check out the information under “Financials”, share and report any new information you have learned about Facebook from this database.  
  3. Are you concerned with the amount of information Facebook (and any other similar digital giants) hold about our daily life, social interaction and behaviors and transactions? Should there be any regulations/ legal enforcements on social media sites regarding their collection and use of user information?  
  4. Take a moment to read through other students’ posts for this discussion thread and report one thing you learned (for this question, write under other students’ posts as comments).

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